If a man gets drunk and then gets in his car and kills some children in the cross walk, is it sin? The man did not intentionally desire to run over the children. The man did not consent to killing the children. The man simply neglected his responsibility as a driver.
Say the man, who killed the children while driving drunk, asks the priest in the confessional, “Did I sin? Do I need forgiveness and repentance?” Should the priest say, “Well you did not consent to killing the children. You did not intentionally desire to kill the children. You did not think this one through so there is no sin committed. There is no need for absolution. Go be happy.”
I think, to be on the safe side, the priest should ask the man to repent of this as sin through neglect, ask God for forgiveness and absolution, and drive drunk no more.
Peace in Christ,
Steven Merten