Neighbors lost their house this a.m. in a fire

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Please pray for my neighbors whose house burned this a.m. due to a lightening strike. God was on their side this morning as the the Dad/Husband was out on a service call for his electric co job so he wasn’t home, when a neighbor who happened to be outside at 5 a.m. when the lightening struck their home and watched the hole thing transpire. He was able to get them all out to safety. They are good church going Catholics and their teen daughters are both alter servers at our parish. It was devastating watching their house burn this morning. The whole second floor is totally charred. I’m not sure how much water/fire damage to the first floor…
Praying! We have some electrical problems due to a lightining strike, so glad that is all!

The whole house is a loss. They were able to save a few things, but not much. A religious staute with the girls pics were saved while everything around it was charred beyond recognition as per a friend who helped with the cleanup. The American Red Cross was there Friday morning a 9 a.m. giving them a check, the company the wife works for has given them a fully furnished house with fullly stocked panty and refrigerator for them to live in until they rebuild. Many many people have given them gift certificates so they can start replacing their things. Their oldest DD is graduating from high school this month and lost her cap and gown and of course all her “stuff” that goes along with being a graduation senior and then she got into a wreck on Saturday night and has some stitches. Please pray for this family that God gives them the strength to be rich in spirit through this tradgedy.
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