So interesting to find this thread. I just returned from a long weekend vacation where I had time to catch up on some reading. One of the magazines a friend had recommended was called “MORE” and it’s geared to lifestyle issues for the 40+ age group. It contained an article that rubbed me completely the wrong way–to the effect of if your grown children/grandchildren need/want your help–tell them to make an appointment–because ‘you’ve come a long way baby’ and are the next-generation grandma (if you even allow them to address you with that matronly title) with a career, social life, travel schedule and spa treatments on your endless to-do list!
The tone of the article was more suggestive of a petulant teenager than a mature, responsible and loving mother or grandmother. I feared it was yet another example of the gracelessness that accompanies much of the boomer generation’s extreme brand of feminism. In sharp contrast, I was buoyed by the OP. What beauty of spirit, confidence, wisdom and love you evince in your post and your path in life. May you have the blessing of your daughter and granddaughter’s gratitude for your generosity, and they, the recognition of what a living angel and reflection of Christ you are in their lives.