New Age Prayers on San Francisco Archdiocese web site

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Ghastly. Reminds me of when I sponsored a friend through RCIA in the Diocese of Gallup, in which live several Native American tribes. The RCIA leader was Laguna or Acoma and tried to start a devotion for the candidates and catechumans with almost the same thing (sacred directions) and asked me to take part. I wouldn’t, she got miffed, it got to the rector of the cathedral. I don’t know what was said to her, but it was dropped altogether. I latter found out that she accused me of having a “pre-Vatican 2” mindset! I should introduce her to some of the posters on this site!!! In the Diocese of the Gallup, you can be a communicating Catholic and a cacique (priest) in one of the pueblo religious societies. I never understand why this overlay is overlooked when the syncretism of Catholicism and voodoo in Haiti is so condemned.
Interesting how the prayer starts. I read somewhere years ago that the direction of North has traditionally been associated with Satan.
It had to come, prayer abuse.
Next it will be set to music and
put in the Oregon Catholic Press song books 🙂

Warm and fuzzy thoughts though.
Oh, sheesh! The DRE at my parish used this garbage at one of her catechists’ meetings – this exact prayer ceremony. She had us all go outside, stand in a circle, and face the various directions indicated. Another time she had everyone stand and sway and sing Rainbow Connection.

Thank goodness she is retiring soon!

The “prayers” end with:

“May the deep peace of community arise from within us, drawing us ever nearer, speaking to us of unity, true community where distinctions of persons is also oneness in being.”

Talk about settling for second best! I’d much rather have the peace of God which passes all understanding – a gift only He gives – and the gift of community He gives to those who come together in faithfulness to Him. I wouldn’t thank you for what that crowd is praying for.


This is like what we see on Oprah show. She is forever into the “higher power” stuff. There is something missing when they use other than the bible for their souces in such high profile areas: main page of their website for the diocese.

If you read the spirit of the north is sounds like the winter solstice- pagan.
I am down to earth, not light in my shoes. I wonder if the Archbishop know tha prayer to the Spirit of the North is on the website of his archdiosces. It sound very American Indian to me if not actually New Age. It is not Catholic at all!
I am down to earth, not light in my shoes. I wonder if the Archbishop know tha prayer to the Spirit of the North is on the website of his archdiosces. It sound very American Indian to me if not actually New Age. It is not Catholic at all!
Another website St Sabinas in Chicago…can anyone tell me how you know its a Catholic church?

I’ll be back with the link
I am down to earth, not light in my shoes. I wonder if the Archbishop know tha prayer to the Spirit of the North is on the website of his archdiosces. It sound very American Indian to me if not actually New Age. It is not Catholic at all!
I read somewhere they removed the “directions” but left the rest on their website. I haven’t bothered to check it out.
They are removing this from the site. I emailed the webmaster and here is our correspondence…
Mr Healy -
To be honest I did not notice the image of Christ the healer, was the picture handed out with the prayer at
this ceremony?
So we show compassion to these poor people by misleading them to what we truly believe? If these are abuse victims chances are they were never shown the true Church to begin with. This should be a prime time to shower them with the true Faith, invoke the Blessed Mother and perhaps offer a Mass or two…
Thanks for your response and addressing of this.
God Bless
-----Original Message-----
*From: Maury Healy *

Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 1:46 PM

*To: Paul *

Subject: RE: SF Archdiocese Web Site Comment
(Did you notice the image of Christ the Healer too?)Your message will be shared with the archbishop’s office. However should you want to correspond with him please write to:
Most Rev. William J. Levada
One Peter Yorke Way
San Francisco, CA 94109
Below please find the response our director of communications:
*The text you cite was part of an apology ceremony – planned largely by local victims of clergy sexual abuse – in which the Archdiocese of San Francisco was a participant. An apology to clergy abuse victims for the pain and suffering caused to them by ministers of the Church was delivered by the Archbishop. The planners felt that because many of the abuse victims are alienated from the Catholic Church, the text was appropriate. The ceremony was not a liturgy and was not held in a church. I think the website describes the apology ceremony for clergy sexual abuse victims, held in June 2003. As I told another person, the text will be removed from the Archdiocesan website. *
I suggest you examine the entire Archdiocesan website at
– Maurice Healy
From: Paul
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 5:43 AM
To: mhealy
Subject: SF Archdiocese Web Site Comment
I don’t know who is in charge of approving content on the web site, but the prayer I just read “blessing our oneness” is a big problem.
This prayer is in no way honoring to our Lord and Savior or the Most Holy Trinity. This prayer is to pagan gods and I am sure was
penned by a New Age group or person. Please remove this prayer, as a Catholic I am offended and saddened that others will
perhaps embrace this prayer and be lead down the wrong road.
If you need help picking prayers to put on your website let me know. I will be more than willing to share with you beautiful Grace
filled prayers to Our Lord, The Holy Trinity, Our Lady or The Saints.
I appreciate your time to read this message.
I read somewhere they removed the “directions” but left the rest on their website. I haven’t bothered to check it out.
Well, if so, they changed it just yesterday – the directions were ***definitely ** * there yesterday.

And regarding the prayer being penned as part of an apology ceremony held in June 2003, he is wrong. I myself was at a ceremony where this prayer was said (with directions and all) in the fall of 2002.

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