New Age Workshops at my Workplace

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I am a graphic designer at a fitness facility where workshops are held once a month or so. I am in charge of marketing the workshops, mainly with in-club advertising and on our website, and I also set up the registration process.

Once in a while a workshop will come through that is very New Age (like yoga, meditation and Reiki) which goes against my Catholic beliefs. I am the only person in this role so cannot hand certain items to another designer. Other than these workshops, I am very happy with my position, my coworkers, and the flexibility with my hours which is hard to find and critical to have with my school-aged children’s schedule.

I am wondering if I should explain to my superior that I feel strongly against certain workshops and I feel uncomfortable promoting them, or if I should just do my job. I do not feel I have the authority to say we should not hold these workshops, and I am not responsible for finding the instructors or coordinating the event at all…I just have to create a layout based on info I am given, and put it on our website.

Seeking advice…thanks.
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Could you in good conscience do an ad for something you find morally repugnant?

Let’s imagine that they were going to begin offering “how to train a pit bull to dogfight” classes (in my never never land, dog fighting is legal). Could you do that ad?

What about a class called “Yoga for executioners” that helped those who execute prisoners feel more relaxed when they go to work.

For me, it helps to clarify my line if I imagine what I could not do.

Sit down and read this document
then decide if you can promote the workshops.
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