New Article on Vocation

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I really enjoyed reading this article and found it very helpful…some quotes…
But since a vocation isn’t about serving oneself, he said, those questions lead to others: “How can I serve people better and prove most helpful to our world and to the Church? What is my real place in this world? What can I offer to society?”
Following a vocation, he said, “is a very personal decision that others cannot make for us,” which is why it requires “solitude and silence,” as well as serious discussions with friends and wise guides.
Discovering one’s vocation, even in the deepest prayer, is not like finding the exact road map for one’s life with all the stops and starts and obstacles and detours clearly marked, he said. Instead, it is more like being invited on an adventure.
The Jesuits are very positive. Perhaps it is their Examen which emphasizes being grateful to God. It shows in these comments…a vocation is “like being invited on an adventure”.
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