I apologize for the long post, but I needed to add some backstory. After Lent I have had a lot of time for introspection and have gotten a little better with my mental health and my Scrupulosity/Religious OCD but I have a few questions…
- Because of my OCD I suffer from an extreme amount of guilt. My OCD makes me feel like a monster. I hate myself over every little transgression (sometimes for things that aren’t even sinful or I don’t actually remember doing but my OCD makes me feel like I did). At these moment I become very self-centered, angry (both at myself and/or God), and fall into despair (as you can imagine, it all goes downhill from there). How can I keep my focus on God instead of myself and not become angry/fearful in moments of intense guilt?
- I realize that a lot of my OCD comes from me wrongly assuming I can control everything. How can I put my trust in God and stop being self-righteous?
- My third question is regarding confession: I really want to go but I’m scared. I’ve been to confession before, but every time I leave feeling like I forgot something (or my OCD will convince me that I have omitted it on purpose). I guess my questions are: how specific do you have to be in confession? I have some awfully distressing and disgusting intrusive thoughts that I don’t know how specific I should be about (for the priest’s sake). It may sound weird, but my OCD will also give me false memories: as in it will tell me that I did something bad or make me feel like I did something bad when I didn’t (or, at least, don’t think that I did). Should I confess things that I don’t know/am not sure if I did or not? Should I start of beforehand telling the priest that I have OCD and that not everything I say will make sense or be rational? This is just a very difficult sacrament for me because my OCD causes me to be very doubtful and second guess everything I do. One of the biggest things that I’m fighting my OCD about is that “If you forget something/don’t give enough information/don’t know if something is important to say (and you don’t say it) then you’re omitting and the confession isn’t valid”.