New Catholic Answers

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New member
What is the general response to the new look Catholic Answers?

I am unfamiliar with it and find it difficult to find my way around it. I hope this will disappear in time, and it is certainly now more comprehensive.

But is it geared for discussion? It seems to me that views are expressed, but the ability to enter discussion is lessened. Do others think this?

In the past CA (CAF ??) was a vehicle for Catholics to discuss the faith in a friendly, supportive and positive way. Does it see itself now as right or left wing, traditional or progressive, liberal or conservative? I would like it to be open, Catholic, charitable, where debate and discussion are fostered.
I think it facilitates discussion between forums much better. I never posted because I forgot my login years ago and I think it was tied to my college email. At any rate, I only ever read the Family and News forums.

There’s some definite angst going on here. There’s a small contingent who don’t like Pope Francis–which never would have flown on the old board. There’s also a few TLM advocates who have been allowed to get away with being incredibly rude, which they never would before. There’s medical advice popping up here and there, there are quite a few “maybe” trolls.

There have already been a few cases where even-keeled longtime posters were flagged because the EF Mass squad had a vendetta. It’s also happened in threads involving politics–but it seems equally abused on both sides of the table.
It certainly prevents people from cutting and pasting pages and pages from the GIRM, the CAtechism, or other sources.
That ALONE promotes discussion.
Hi @NoelFitz,

Our word count limit has literally changed from the old forum platform to this one. We have a new limit, and it’s lesser here on this platform, than it was on the old one.

Some members have left, but we have also gained new members, too.

I have also seen this happen when a forum changes platforms, but this happens with forums, anyway. Members come and go.
Thanks for replies.

you say discussion is facilitated.
We will see.


GIRM never really excited me.

I am a minister of Holy Communion, and at Mass I fit in with the priest.

I want to extend the discussion, so I will start a new one.
This seems the place for topics that do not fit elsewhere.
I love CAF, and hope nothing I write is negative or critical.
Thanks for replies.

you say discussion is facilitated.
You didn’t read what I said. Discussion BETWEEN forums. That means that people are likely to venture outside of Spritual life, Family life, etc. I do not think they were so inclined before.
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