My wife and I started to attend a Roman Catholic church in our town about a year and a half ago. We came from a protestant background, but being a young session member at our previous church- I just saw too much to stay. My old denomination was actually INVITING the Jesus Seminar folks to come “teach” at their churches. They started to bring in “alternative” pastors to the denomination (often gay or trans-gender, speaking the merits of that lifestyle…) The General Assembly of my old denomination was (and still is) considering a “gender nuetral” re-naming of the Holy Trinity…and much more…
So I had heard the local priest speak at a function and was thoroughly impressed with the man. I read some of his articles in the weekly bulletin and was even more impressed. In my spare time, I started to study Roman Catholic tradition and I started to lose the prejudices I was taught by my protestant upbringing. My wife was right there with me in discovering the Roman Catholic Church.
We became official members earlier this year. We adore our new church and are honored to be involved in the church.
But the joy we feel there has been contrasted by the anger my family feels towards me and my wife. Today my mother called me at work and decided to tee-off on me…of how I hurt her with this decision, and how she’s disgusted with how my going there makes HER look…
I’m 34, my mother is in her late 60s. I’ve never seen this side of her, nor would I ever have predicted it. The same goes for many of the other women in my family (such as my 38 year old sister) who view the RC church as the “force” that has kept women down since the year zero.
My wife and I have become outcasts within our own family.
Its getting increasingly difficult to take the lash without “lashing back”… which I’ve already done a few times when confronted by irate family members.
I do not regret my decision, and neither does my wife. But I never would have expected my outwardly very loving, very caring family to turn on me with such blatant hostility. I never would have expect this at the level it has risen to.
The welcomed kindness from my church is directly contrasted by the disdain of what has always seemed like a very loving family. My mom was merely a Christmas and Easter Presbyterian, so to have her and others completely rail against me is …unexpected. Its not like they were THAT involved with a protestant denomination…
But the prejudice and the hate… I’m seriously astounded.
Any of you folks get this from your own families? Any non-cradle Catholics have any words of advice for me?
These are difficult times for me and my wife. Her family was very broken and has been estranged from her for years, they have serious problems, so my family became “her family” even more.
And now this. I go to family gatherings and holidays and I can tell many people there would rather we not have come.
That’s a tough pill to swallow.
That’s where I’m at.
So I had heard the local priest speak at a function and was thoroughly impressed with the man. I read some of his articles in the weekly bulletin and was even more impressed. In my spare time, I started to study Roman Catholic tradition and I started to lose the prejudices I was taught by my protestant upbringing. My wife was right there with me in discovering the Roman Catholic Church.
We became official members earlier this year. We adore our new church and are honored to be involved in the church.
But the joy we feel there has been contrasted by the anger my family feels towards me and my wife. Today my mother called me at work and decided to tee-off on me…of how I hurt her with this decision, and how she’s disgusted with how my going there makes HER look…
I’m 34, my mother is in her late 60s. I’ve never seen this side of her, nor would I ever have predicted it. The same goes for many of the other women in my family (such as my 38 year old sister) who view the RC church as the “force” that has kept women down since the year zero.
My wife and I have become outcasts within our own family.
Its getting increasingly difficult to take the lash without “lashing back”… which I’ve already done a few times when confronted by irate family members.
I do not regret my decision, and neither does my wife. But I never would have expected my outwardly very loving, very caring family to turn on me with such blatant hostility. I never would have expect this at the level it has risen to.
The welcomed kindness from my church is directly contrasted by the disdain of what has always seemed like a very loving family. My mom was merely a Christmas and Easter Presbyterian, so to have her and others completely rail against me is …unexpected. Its not like they were THAT involved with a protestant denomination…
But the prejudice and the hate… I’m seriously astounded.
Any of you folks get this from your own families? Any non-cradle Catholics have any words of advice for me?
These are difficult times for me and my wife. Her family was very broken and has been estranged from her for years, they have serious problems, so my family became “her family” even more.
And now this. I go to family gatherings and holidays and I can tell many people there would rather we not have come.
That’s a tough pill to swallow.
That’s where I’m at.