New Communities thread

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Emerging charisms, aka new communities, are either aiming at becoming a secular institute; religious institute; or society of apostolic life. There is also the category of ‘new movement.’

That being said, the individual lay person, who is considered a charism by canon law, can indeed develop their own personal prayer rule and habit. There is every possibility that adherents can be attracted to them, and a new community form.

I ask that if you are attracted to a new community, to please give it the benefit of the doubt and contact them. Some founders may still be in the process of discerning the guiding documents. I pray for your patience with them. Nothing is going to be perfect. Even established communities aren’t perfect. Perfection doesn’t exist on the earth, only in Heaven.

That being said, I – and hopefully others – will post the links for new communities in this thread. Age limits will be given if possible.

Marian Franciscans, NY:

Family of Jacopa, OH:

Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope, OK:
Servants of the Cross, Ontario, CAN:

Queenship of Mary Community, Ontario, CAN:

St Joseph’s Missionaries of Sacrifice, Saskatchewan, CAN:

Little Servants of the Cross (Rez Apostolate, US):

Daughters of Divine Hope, TX:
[ removed by moderator)age.html]( removed by moderator)age.html)

Brigittine Servitores, TX:
That being said, the individual lay person, who is considered a charism by canon law, …
I do not understand*? In what sense is a *person *considered a charism? Can you elaborate?

(* But I Am Not A Canon Lawyer)

I do not understand*? In what sense is a *person *considered a charism? Can you elaborate?

(* But I Am Not A Canon Lawyer)

I couldn’t believe it myself, but somewhere in canon law, there is a statement that every person is a charism – gift of God to the world and the church.

Because of this, individuals, with the guidance of a spiritual director, are able to formulate their personal prayer rule, and design a habit. I know of one instance personally, and I’ve read of several others. Even my pastor at church supports my wearing distinctive garb, which is precursor to the actual habit which our Cloisterites will wear.

I know a diocesan hermit who had wanted to have a laura, but the vicar for religious said the adherents would have to change her rule slightly for each person, and wear something a little different.


I couldn’t believe it myself, but somewhere in canon law, there is a statement that every person is a charism – gift of God to the world and the church.

I cannot find it, but I wonder if someone has misread canon 574.2 or 605? (It hardly changes your premise, but there it is) 🤷
Can. 574 §1. The state of those who profess the evangelical counsels in institutes of this type belongs to the life and holiness of the Church and must be fostered and promoted by all in the Church.
§2. Certain Christian faithful are specially called by God to this state so that they possess a special gift in the life of the Church and contribute to its salvific mission, according to the purpose and spirit of the institute.

Can. 605 The approval of new forms of consecrated life is reserved only to the Apostolic See. Diocesan bishops, however, are to strive to discern new gifts of consecrated life granted to the Church by the Holy Spirit and are to assist promoters so that these can express their proposals as well as possible and protect them by appropriate statutes; the general norms contained in this section are especially to be utilized.
Still Not A Canon Lawyer

I cannot find it, but I wonder if someone has misread canon 574.2 or 605? (It hardly changes your premise, but there it is) 🤷

Still Not A Canon Lawyer
A lay spiritual director told me about it. He was assisting a founder. She designed her habit, and was attracting adherents. I don’t know what happened, but the foundation fell through.

Religious sisters who are spiritual directors and post on another public forum have told of their own directees doing the same.

I think the canon has something to do with the faithful, not religious institutes, that each person is irreplaceable, and God has a plan for them. Therefore, they are a charism – gift to the church and the world.

Also THE COMPANIONS OF CLARE in Maine. They are a contemplative community
of Poor Clares that accept women 62 & older. They wear the full habit.
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