This is the video that prompted my last post on my Leverage thread. The argument for the existence of God at the end of the video, though, seems to say that God is not all-knowing, so that is not what concerns me here.
The video cites 3s tudies that present problems for some of a Catholic’s usually accepted philosophical views. I want to know more about the *methodology *of the experiments though
It was said that the study “Nonlocal Hidden-Variable Theories and Quantum Mechanics: an incompatibility theorem” by A. J. Leggett in 2003 was falsified by Anton Zeilinger in the study “An experimental test of non-local realism” in 2007. The latter says there cannot be hidden variables that explain Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance”. But by “hidden variables”, this appears to mean that God (or even Hindu’s Perusa or Spinoza’s God) can be ruled out as the hidden factor. Does this effect the argument that God could be behind the huge improbability that life started on this planet (with God the improbability disappears so that there was no true randomness involved)?
Also, two new studies now claim that Kant instead of Thomas Aquinas was right about reality; that is, we cannot know anything about the true nature of reality aside from how it appears. For Aquinas, the accidents tell us something about the substance. For Kant, the phenomena tells us nothing about the noumenon. The two studies were “Experimental non-classicality of an indivisible quantum system” in 2011, and especially “Quantum erasure with causally disconnect choice” from 2012.
I’ve asked some people into physics about the method and reasoning of the 3 relevant studies involved in these questions. They just said it “was subtle”. I am hoping we can flesh out these issues on this thread.
God bless
This is the video that prompted my last post on my Leverage thread. The argument for the existence of God at the end of the video, though, seems to say that God is not all-knowing, so that is not what concerns me here.
The video cites 3s tudies that present problems for some of a Catholic’s usually accepted philosophical views. I want to know more about the *methodology *of the experiments though
It was said that the study “Nonlocal Hidden-Variable Theories and Quantum Mechanics: an incompatibility theorem” by A. J. Leggett in 2003 was falsified by Anton Zeilinger in the study “An experimental test of non-local realism” in 2007. The latter says there cannot be hidden variables that explain Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance”. But by “hidden variables”, this appears to mean that God (or even Hindu’s Perusa or Spinoza’s God) can be ruled out as the hidden factor. Does this effect the argument that God could be behind the huge improbability that life started on this planet (with God the improbability disappears so that there was no true randomness involved)?
Also, two new studies now claim that Kant instead of Thomas Aquinas was right about reality; that is, we cannot know anything about the true nature of reality aside from how it appears. For Aquinas, the accidents tell us something about the substance. For Kant, the phenomena tells us nothing about the noumenon. The two studies were “Experimental non-classicality of an indivisible quantum system” in 2011, and especially “Quantum erasure with causally disconnect choice” from 2012.
I’ve asked some people into physics about the method and reasoning of the 3 relevant studies involved in these questions. They just said it “was subtle”. I am hoping we can flesh out these issues on this thread.
God bless