New film coming in October about Ven. Fr. Patrick Peyton

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I love Fr. Peyton, I discovered him only a few years ago although I was well aware of “The Family that Prays Together, Stays Together” slogan from the 60s and early 70s. (it was so well-known that pop culture would parody it and Catholics would joke about it.) Apparently he drew huge crowds to his rosary rallies held all over the world. It would be awesome if he were beatified and canonized. I think he ended up being better known outside the US than he was at home. This looks like a great movie.

Before Fr. Peyton was a priest, he was the janitor at the cathedral in Scranton. They have a statue of him there which I saw when I visited.
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I got an e-mail invitation to see the film online for free on Oct 7. Not sure if I got it because I’ve been in the Fr Peyton Guild for a while, or because I donated to something else or “liked” Family Rosary page on Facebook. But either way I’m excited! I donated them some money to cover my “ticket”.

Anyway I’m really looking forward to it. Fr. Peyton had the best rosary voice ever.
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My former father-in-law used to tell us fondly of how he attended several of Fr. Peyton’s Rosary Crusade rallies during the 1950s at the Hollywood Bowl and the Los Angeles Coliseum.

I hope the film will eventually be available to view online or streaming.
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