New findings have physicists questioning reality
I see. i can be a bit slow at times. It was just a “matter” of time.I was making a joke about the matter-antimatter.
Obviously you didn’t find it funny.
| M | - | A | = | U |
Except that extra matter should not exist. That matter should have been destroyed at the instant of the big bang…That is, is the claim that, at the Big Bang, all antimatter came in contact with a corresponding amount of matter, and all that was left over was the ‘extra’ amount of matter that now comprises the universe?
Hence my question: is that “slightly more matter” the matter of the universe in which we live?Which suggests to the physicists that there was slightly more matter than anti matter.
If you say so. I take that assertion to mean “the amounts should have been the same”, without saying what the quantity of extra matter is.Yes. That’s why he said we should not exist, because all the matter should have been destroyed…
| M | >> | A |
| M | - ε = | A |
I don’t think that’s actually true. The video even explains that they have trapped anti-matter in small amounts. It is string theory which attempts to explain it that is hypothetical and even string theory has problems explaining it.antimatter as far as I know is still a hypothetical.