Diocesan approval and investiture ceremony for new Franciscan religious community of women
September 5, 2015
Herald-Star Newspaper - Steubenville, Ohio
As of Aug. 25, the Family of Jacopa Association became a Public Association of the Christian Faithful in the Diocese of Steubenville and will hold its investiture (habit clothing ceremony) on Sept. 14 at Triumph of the Cross Parish (Holy Rosary Church), 204 Rosemont Ave., Steubenville.
It will begin at 6:15 p.m. following the 5:15 Holy Mass and Novena of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Miraculous Medal, according to an announcement made by Sister Kathleen Marshall.
“The Spirituality of the Family of Jacopa is Franciscan, which is living the Gospel messages with love. As Franciscans, we are to be Disciples of Christ living the Trinitarian spirituality in our relationships with Christ as our spouse, sisters to our community members and as mothers to the family of God,” Marshall explained.
“God Our Father has given us the gift of a full life. We are mature women, widows and single women who wish to give ourselves completely to Our Lord Jesus Christ. The gifts of the Holy Spirit made manifest in us impels us to act out of love and gratefulness, to perfect in ourselves the fruits of the Holy Spirit as we offer the rest of our lives for His Holy Church,” she said.
“Imbued by the salvific action of Jesus Christ our lives will be lived with the infused charism of the theological yirtues of faith, hope and charity (love),” she continued.
The association’s mission is “to reveal our Lord’s compassion for the family of God. The Family of Jacopa will offer our prayers and penances for the church suffering. We will pray for and evangelize the church militant. We will encourage souls to conversion, preparing them for eternal life in Heaven with the church triumphant, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Trinity,” she said.
“Our apostolates will be prayer and service, especially for widows, and including our heroic priests, the suffering elderly and for the many needs of mothers and families. We will accept any similar active apostolates that our Bishop asks of us,” Marshall explained.
The Family of Jacopa’s motto is “Faith, Hope and Love.”
Contact: Sr. Kathleen Marshall at 740-314-4023 or email: familyjacopa@yahoo.com
September 5, 2015
Herald-Star Newspaper - Steubenville, Ohio
As of Aug. 25, the Family of Jacopa Association became a Public Association of the Christian Faithful in the Diocese of Steubenville and will hold its investiture (habit clothing ceremony) on Sept. 14 at Triumph of the Cross Parish (Holy Rosary Church), 204 Rosemont Ave., Steubenville.
It will begin at 6:15 p.m. following the 5:15 Holy Mass and Novena of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Miraculous Medal, according to an announcement made by Sister Kathleen Marshall.
“The Spirituality of the Family of Jacopa is Franciscan, which is living the Gospel messages with love. As Franciscans, we are to be Disciples of Christ living the Trinitarian spirituality in our relationships with Christ as our spouse, sisters to our community members and as mothers to the family of God,” Marshall explained.
“God Our Father has given us the gift of a full life. We are mature women, widows and single women who wish to give ourselves completely to Our Lord Jesus Christ. The gifts of the Holy Spirit made manifest in us impels us to act out of love and gratefulness, to perfect in ourselves the fruits of the Holy Spirit as we offer the rest of our lives for His Holy Church,” she said.
“Imbued by the salvific action of Jesus Christ our lives will be lived with the infused charism of the theological yirtues of faith, hope and charity (love),” she continued.
The association’s mission is “to reveal our Lord’s compassion for the family of God. The Family of Jacopa will offer our prayers and penances for the church suffering. We will pray for and evangelize the church militant. We will encourage souls to conversion, preparing them for eternal life in Heaven with the church triumphant, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Trinity,” she said.
“Our apostolates will be prayer and service, especially for widows, and including our heroic priests, the suffering elderly and for the many needs of mothers and families. We will accept any similar active apostolates that our Bishop asks of us,” Marshall explained.
The Family of Jacopa’s motto is “Faith, Hope and Love.”
Contact: Sr. Kathleen Marshall at 740-314-4023 or email: familyjacopa@yahoo.com