New Jersey Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill Will Likely Die by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
January 2, 2006
**Trenton, NJ (LifeNews.com) – **The New Jersey state legislature is preparing to end one legislative session and start the next. When it does, that could spell the end of legislation to spend $350 million in taxpayer funds on destructive embryonic stem cell research.
The measure cleared the state Senate 28-8, but stalled in the state Assembly, where lawmakers are concerned that borrowing so much money to pay for the controversial research during a time when the state is in financial troubles doesn’t make much sense.
LifeNews.com Editor
January 2, 2006
**Trenton, NJ (LifeNews.com) – **The New Jersey state legislature is preparing to end one legislative session and start the next. When it does, that could spell the end of legislation to spend $350 million in taxpayer funds on destructive embryonic stem cell research.
The measure cleared the state Senate 28-8, but stalled in the state Assembly, where lawmakers are concerned that borrowing so much money to pay for the controversial research during a time when the state is in financial troubles doesn’t make much sense.