New Movements - Spiritual or...Emotional

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I was starting this response under an older thread titled, “Cursillo, a movement, an organization, or a cult?” But since it covers so many movements decided to start a new thread.
Looking for information on yet another ‘movement’ I stumbled onto this excellent thread. What I notice over and over is the emphasis on the word “Experience” and all the emphasis on the emotions. It is no wonder many compare these movements to cults which of course play with your emotions through ‘experiences’ and ‘activities.’.

These kinds of newish movements in the church seem to be replacing the tried and true path to holiness taught throughout the centuries, which is to pick up your cross and follow me …something admittedly hard to do, and let’s face it, not very ‘exciting’ or emotional.

Whether it’s charismatic’s life in the spirit, the neocatechumente, the alpha course, cursillo or others they all seem to involve some of the same features.

One that always sends up a red flag to me is the ‘return to early christianity’ because that is one of the things the protestants are always talking about…getting back to “true christianity”… And though they may not realize it, those involved in these new movements. sound so very ‘protestant’ once they get involved in these things.

The common feature seem to be some extremely intense emotional experience . Often people come away from these things on some kind of ‘emotional high’.These usually involving a weekend retreat of some kind. In addition there are often a series of steps or levels…and always some kind of secrecy involved about what is actually going on that you are not to share with others. In the Neo way you are not even allowed to ask any questions at their initial meetings. And always, always…is the emphasis on small groups and small group involvement…these can be prayer groups, follow-up meetings etc.

Be aware too that the protestant denominations at the exact same time also have these new kind of movements going with the same features. They may have copied some from the church just as we, re alpha course, have borrowed some of theirs.

Small groups being touted everywhere as “community”, but people may not realize that they are a dangerous cult technique. UCLA psychiatrist, LJ West, a onetime air force expert on the “cell” method used by the Chinese communists to collectivize and solidify their rule, stated that “small groups can be more powerful than all the chemicals, electro-stimulation, media and charismatic teachers put together in Changing People’s Thinking.”

While i doubt the original founders of these movements were into mind control…it’s funny how they all use so many of the ‘techniques’ of mind control. Through the emotions you are basically put into a light trance and can be convinced you’ve become quite holy.

You are also guided into constant busyness and activities when that may not be what God wants you to be doing.
In truth it seems to me they can draw you away from critical thinking, and substitute “emotional experiences” and activities for true spiritual growth.

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