Dear Father,
Your quotations from JPII’s explanation regarding the original sin that is passed on to generations is, as usual, eisegetic. For all who may not know the origin of this discussion, I had originally asked Father for proof from any official Church document stating that what is passed on to man is Adam’s actual sin and Adam’s actual guilt for his sin – this latter being the Orthodox accusation. This is in the context of his claim that the Church has changed her teaching and is now only coming closer to the Orthodox conception of Original Sin. In contrast, I have asserted that the Church has never changed her teaching on Original Sin, though indeed some theologians taught a rather Protestant view of original sin for at most 200 years in the history of the Church. However, this popular preaching never supplanted the official teaching of the Church. Having said that, I challenged Father to provide any official documentation to validate his accusation that the Catholic Church teaches the Protestant view that Original Sin consists of Adam’s actual sin and actual guilt, and that this is what is passed on as “original sin.”
And this is where we are at in the discussion. Father Ambrose provided excerpts from JPII’s explanation of original sin as supposed proof for his accusation. Namely:
“Now it is in no way apparent how such an opinion can be reconciled with that which the sources of revealed truth and the documents of the Teaching Authority of the Church propose with regard to original sin, which proceeds from a sin actually committed by an individual Adam and which through generation is passed on to all and is in everyone as his own.”
“4. The biblical texts on the universality and **hereditary nature of sin as through “congenital” in nature in the state in which everyone receives it at the moment of conception from one’s parents, **lead us to examine more directly the Catholic teaching on original sin. (Also quoted: Ps 50, Rom 3:9, 19; Eph 2:3)”
“2. In this regard, the Tridentine Decree states first of all**: Adam’s sin has passed to all his descendants, that is to all men and women as descendants of our first parents and their heirs in human nature already deprived of God’s friendship.**” (bold-face by Father A)
The first quote is from Pius XII’s Humanii Generis, and the next two are from JPII’s explanation of Original Sin. Father, your use of the first quote does not make sense. It clearly differentiates between original sin, and the “sin actually committed by an individual Adam.” Really, Father. It is a disservice to your post that you are not more discerning.
Your quotations from JPII’s explanation regarding the original sin that is passed on to generations is, as usual, eisegetic. For all who may not know the origin of this discussion, I had originally asked Father for proof from any official Church document stating that what is passed on to man is Adam’s actual sin and Adam’s actual guilt for his sin – this latter being the Orthodox accusation. This is in the context of his claim that the Church has changed her teaching and is now only coming closer to the Orthodox conception of Original Sin. In contrast, I have asserted that the Church has never changed her teaching on Original Sin, though indeed some theologians taught a rather Protestant view of original sin for at most 200 years in the history of the Church. However, this popular preaching never supplanted the official teaching of the Church. Having said that, I challenged Father to provide any official documentation to validate his accusation that the Catholic Church teaches the Protestant view that Original Sin consists of Adam’s actual sin and actual guilt, and that this is what is passed on as “original sin.”
And this is where we are at in the discussion. Father Ambrose provided excerpts from JPII’s explanation of original sin as supposed proof for his accusation. Namely:
“Now it is in no way apparent how such an opinion can be reconciled with that which the sources of revealed truth and the documents of the Teaching Authority of the Church propose with regard to original sin, which proceeds from a sin actually committed by an individual Adam and which through generation is passed on to all and is in everyone as his own.”
“4. The biblical texts on the universality and **hereditary nature of sin as through “congenital” in nature in the state in which everyone receives it at the moment of conception from one’s parents, **lead us to examine more directly the Catholic teaching on original sin. (Also quoted: Ps 50, Rom 3:9, 19; Eph 2:3)”
“2. In this regard, the Tridentine Decree states first of all**: Adam’s sin has passed to all his descendants, that is to all men and women as descendants of our first parents and their heirs in human nature already deprived of God’s friendship.**” (bold-face by Father A)
The first quote is from Pius XII’s Humanii Generis, and the next two are from JPII’s explanation of Original Sin. Father, your use of the first quote does not make sense. It clearly differentiates between original sin, and the “sin actually committed by an individual Adam.” Really, Father. It is a disservice to your post that you are not more discerning.