New Plenary Indulgence

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     VATICAN        CITY, NOV 29, 2005 (VIS) - According to a decree made public today,        Benedict XVI will grant the faithful a Plenary Indulgence for the        forthcoming Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (December 8, 2005). The        decree is signed by Cardinal James Francis Stafford and Fr. John Francis        Girotti, O.F.M. Conv., respectively penitentiary major and regent of the        Apostolic Penitentiary.


       "December 8," the text reads,        "will mark 40 years since Servant of God Paul VI, Supreme Pontiff, who had        already proclaimed the Virgin Mary as Mother of the Church, in closing        Vatican Council II dedicated great praise to the Virgin who, as Mother of        Christ, is Mother of God and spiritual Mother to us        all.


       "On this Solemnity, the Supreme        Pontiff Benedict XVI, when he renders public homage of praise to Mary        Immaculate, has the heartfelt desire that the entire Church should join        with him, so that all the faithful, united in the name of the common        Mother, become ever stronger in the faith, adhere with greater devotion to        Christ, and love their brothers with more fervent charity. From here - as        Vatican Council II very wisely taught - arise works of mercy towards the        needy, observance of justice, and the defense of and search for        peace."


       For this reason, the decree        continues, the Holy Father "has kindly granted the gift of Plenary        Indulgence which may be obtained under the usual conditions (sacramental        Confession, Eucharistic communion and prayer in keeping with the        intentions of the Supreme Pontiff), with the soul completely removed from        attachment to any form of sin, on the forthcoming Solemnity of the        Immaculate Conception, by the faithful if they participate in a sacred        function in honor of the Virgin, or at least offer open testimony of        Marian devotion before an image of Mary Immaculate exposed for public        veneration, adding the recitation of the Our Father and of the Creed, and        some invocation to the Virgin."


       The document concludes by        recalling that faithful who "through illness or other just cause," are        unable to participate in a public ceremony or to venerate an image of the        Virgin, "may obtain a Plenary Indulgence in their own homes, or wherever        they may be, if, with the soul completely removed from any form of sin,        and with the intention of observing the aforesaid conditions as soon as        possible, they unite themselves in spirit and in desire to the Supreme        Pontiff's intentions in prayer to Mary Immaculate, and recite the Our        Father and the Creed."
Can someone help with what this means:
if they participate in a sacred function in honor of the Virgin, or at least offer open testimony of Marian devotion before an image of Mary Immaculate exposed for public veneration, adding the recitation of the Our Father and of the Creed, and some invocation to the Virgin.
What is an open testimony of Marian devotion? Is that a Hail Mary prayer? The rosary? Any of the above? Any prayer to Mary?

And what is an invocation to the Virgin?

Can someone help with what this means:

What is an open testimony of Marian devotion? Is that a Hail Mary prayer? The rosary? Any of the above? Any prayer to Mary?
I would think so, yes.
And what is an invocation to the Virgin?
For this reason, the decree continues, the Holy Father “has kindly granted the gift of Plenary Indulgence which may be obtained under the usual conditions (sacramental Confession, Eucharistic communion and prayer in keeping with the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff), with the soul completely removed from attachment to any form of sin, on the forthcoming Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, by the faithful if they participate in a sacred function in honor of the Virgin, or at least offer open testimony of Marian devotion before an image of Mary Immaculate exposed for public veneration, adding the recitation of the Our Father and of the Creed, and some invocation to the Virgin.”
  1. What is a ‘sacred function?’ Are we talking about attending a Mass?
  2. What qualifies as open testimony?
I rather imagine getting that ‘removed from attachment to any form of sin’ is going to be a hard one to do.
Sorry, I didn’t find it on the web, I received it in an email so I didn’t know how to just summarize it and then provide a link…
I’d like to receive this indulgence, but I am confused about an aspect them.

As I see it I need to:
  • go to confession
  • attend Mass on the Solemnity
  • engage in a Marian Devotion
The Catholic Answers website also states that, to receive an indulgence"

"The final condition is that you must be free from all attachment to sin, including venial sin.

Because of the extreme difficulty in meeting the final condition, plenary indulgences are rarely obtained. If you attempt to receive a plenary indulgence, but are unable to meet the last condition, a partial indulgence is received instead. "

Could someone explain this final condition?

As I reckon it, if I go to Confession on Saturday and need to stay venial sin free until next Thursday!

Rob Carignan
Portland, Maine.
Remember that your venial sins are forgiven at Mass. I have always figured my best chance to receive a plenary indulgence was IMMEDIATELY after Mass if at all possible; there are ones like reading the Bible for an hour, for example, or praying the rosary in certain situations if available.

My hope is that I can keep a very focused mind on Jesus through the Mass, and go sit in front of the statue of Mary immediately after and do my devotion. If my soul is clear, I have a chance. If not, I did my best and Jesus will be merciful.

Anyone else have thoughts on this?
Thanks awalt, I will also try to follow your suggested approach. I will find it difficult to stay totally free of mortal sin from confession tomorrow evening through to Mass next Thursday evening! I’ll probably end up waiting for Divine Mercy Sunday next year - this is the plenary indulgence - par excellence!
thank you all the posters !

Hoping that the last condition of being free of attachment to all sin summarises the whole challenge - to be holy and perfect ; what a wise and gentle Mother - who calls us in so many ways , always wanting us to press ahead , not too caught up in the mistakes of the past - which might be the favorite past time of the enemy !

The Church again reminds us what The Lord’s Mercy can do - the same Lord who with one word 'let it be '- made the heavens , the earth !

Would think that the intent to be free of attachment to sin has to be an ongoing everyday thing, not just for the days of the indulgence !

If sin is also fear to give and recieve Love ,and if lukewarmness has crept in, here we are called to trust with enthusasm again !

Hope the prayers for the intention of The Holy Father would also be given special thought .

Any one who has visited The Eastern Chrsitianity forum here which somewhat highlight all the long term divisions that has separated us and may be the tremendous price the world has paid for the same ,can get a minute look at a small part of the many challenges that face The Pope, The Bishops ( and of course every trouble in the world - wars, homosexualty, poverty all also would carry its pain for them - as it does to some extent for each of us )

If Adm had called on The Father, in the Garden, how diffrent things would have been - yet The Father now gives us many , many chances through the day to call on Him - have mercy, Father, on me , my child , the world and thus free us from errant marks ( sin) of being afraid, cynical, unforgiving …

O Mary concieved without sin pray for us !
I’d like to receive this indulgence, but I am confused about an aspect them.

As I see it I need to:
  • go to confession
  • attend Mass on the Solemnity
  • engage in a Marian Devotion
The Catholic Answers website also states that, to receive an indulgence"

"The final condition is that you must be free from all attachment to sin, including venial sin.

Because of the extreme difficulty in meeting the final condition, plenary indulgences are rarely obtained. If you attempt to receive a plenary indulgence, but are unable to meet the last condition, a partial indulgence is received instead. "

Could someone explain this final condition?

As I reckon it, if I go to Confession on Saturday and need to stay venial sin free until next Thursday!
It isn’t a matter of staying just free of venial sin but also not having any attachment to any kind of sin.

Suppose you have some sort of sinful habit, even if you do not perform that action but find yourself WANTING to perform that action – that would be an ATTACHMENT TO SIN. It isn’t a sin until you actual do it so you would be free of sin but not free of an attachement to sin.

Does that make sense?

And in order to obtain a plenary indulgence, one must be free of sin and any attachment to sin. For that reason, it is said that very few people obtain a plenary indulgence and end up with a partial indulgence instead.

But hey, I’ll take whatever I can get and those partials can add up over time.
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