New Smart Doorbell Will Argue With Jehovah's Witnesses, LDS Missionaries For You

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That takes all the fun out of watching them squirm when you ask them difficult questions.
But think of the fun of recording them being owned by a machine.

This is a joke… right?

I would think that churches which send out missionaries door-to-door, such as JWs and LDS, would train them on how to answer objections to the questions other Christians+++ are going to have for them. Or would that require taking a critical approach to their religion that their leaders would prefer wasn’t in their minds, lest they begin to question themselves?

I can make very solid arguments that there is no God, that Jesus was not the Messiah, that Marian devotion is just warmed-over pagan goddess worship, and so on. That doesn’t mean I believe it, but I have to understand the arguments the “other side” could make.

Incidentally, the fact that the flagellum of a bacterium rotates like a finely crafted rotary engine utterly devastates the idea of life just coming together without an intelligent creator and designer. I have to think this why scientists can’t create life in a laboratory.

+++ I said “other Christians”. For these purposes, I am defining “Christian” as someone who believes in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, acknowledges the spiritual importance of the historical man called Jesus, and who reads and follows the Gospels and the New Testament according to their interpretation of them.

The Jehovah’s Witnesses, aside from their stance on blood transfusions which other Christians do not share (and which appears cruel and gruesome when someone dies, or worse, allows their child to die, for want of a transfusion), are really not all that weird or strange. They are just students of the Bible who have some unorthodox interpretations of it. The Mormons/LDS, on the other hand… they believe in some pretty bizarre stuff. Good people, good solid family values, emphasis upon education and hard work, clean-living and eminently charitable, but their religion is, shall we say, unique. I’ve heard it described as a 19th-century version of Scientology.
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I would think that churches which send out missionaries door-to-door, such as JWs and LDS, would train them on how to answer objections to the questions other Christians are going to have for them.
In the case of Mormons, these are very young kids, typically 18 and 19 years old. They don’t know very much beyond the lessons that they basically memorize. And if you box them into a corner, their get out of jail card is to tell you to pray about it.
When the video monitoring software detects LDS missionaries or Jehovah’s Witnesses, for example, …

The question is, how does it detect them? By their haircuts? By their neckties? By the sanctimonious look in their eyes?
No, it’s 100% serious. May get one.
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In the case of Mormons, these are very young kids, typically 18 and 19 years old. They don’t know very much beyond the lessons that they basically memorize. And if you box them into a corner, their get out of jail card is to tell you to pray about it.
I converted to the Mormon “church” many years ago and I never went on a mission. However, I know a lot of missionaries, I’ve met many over the years. You are absolutely, amazingly, one hundred percent correct. These are nothing but little kids who for the most part have led very sheltered lives. If you try to bring up Smiths polygamy or the problems with the Book of Abraham or one of the other thousands of problems with Mormonism, they’ll just stare at you or tell you to pray about it. That’s all they have.
I LOVE when Mormons or JWs come around. I always visit with them; and they usually leave confounded, confused, and bewildered about their own beliefs.

Bring your “A” game when you knock on my door,
Deacon Christopher
My question to them is, “Are we discussing ‘what is’, or ‘Who Is’?”
Once they came to my house many years ago. They offered me some literature. When I told them that I didn’t have any money to give them they left, never to be seen or heard from again.
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