Do you agree with stoic metaphysics and determinism?
I see the revelation of Jesus to be kinda of a fulfillment of Stoic metaphysics. For example, Heraclitus saw that the Logos was the driving force behind everything. As a Christian Stoic, I too, recognize everything is order through Logos (I just recognized that Jesus is the Logos). As far as the determinism, I have gone back and forth. I have a hard time reconciling God’s sovereignty and human free will. However the Stoic idea of the Dichotomy of Control, just gives the understanding of what is and is not in my control. So I worry and do what is under my control (i.e my actions, my emotions, my words, etc…) and i allow God to handle the rest (i.e other people, outside circumstances, etc…)
What Church Fathers are your favorite and why?
Ooooo this is a tough one. I really like st. john chrysostom, and i think a lot he had to say is important with everything going on today. I also really like Polycarp
What made you a Christian, and what do you define that as?
It was a mix between logic and reasoning (not the most pious answer) and an experience that I felt as religious (actually that’s what did it, the logic and reasoning came later) but when I thought everything through, most polytheistic religions are dead now with the exception of Hinduism, however whenever I researched that I found major issues with it. So I narrowed it down to the Abrahamic religions. I looked at Islam first, and found too many inconsistencies and no real evidence behind it. I found Judaism lacking, it just felt incomplete. Then I started looking into Christianity, and it seemed like the best explanation of all the evidence.
By Christian I describe it as being Christ-like, so I look into the gospels, and I read the early Christians and i try to model my life like that (and usually fail haha)
Sorry for the wall of text, but I wasn’t sure how to shorten it. Haha