Hello there, I am new to the Forum (I am up in Northern Illinois)
Would anyone out there be interested in reading and discussing one of John Henry Cardinal Newman’s works? I have read about 1/3 of his LECTURES ON THE DOCTRINE OF JUSTIFICATION and would not mind finishing that off. It is very good,… in-depth (though, a bit repetitive). It was written in his Anglican period, but he defends a view of Justification very similar to the Catholic position.
Otherwise, I was thinking of starting his famous ESSAY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE.
Both works are available in their entirety on-line at www.newmanreader.org. LECTURES ON JUSTIFICATION is also available in print through a publisher called Wipf and Stock out of Eugene, OR. DEVELOPMENT is readily available in print.
I am an amateur student of theology and have nothing special to offer aside from an interest in the subject. I figure that we could read a section a week, then maybe post reflections, questions, challenges, counter-arguments, alternative supporting arguments, practical applications for apologetics, etc. Let me know if anyone is interested.
Would anyone out there be interested in reading and discussing one of John Henry Cardinal Newman’s works? I have read about 1/3 of his LECTURES ON THE DOCTRINE OF JUSTIFICATION and would not mind finishing that off. It is very good,… in-depth (though, a bit repetitive). It was written in his Anglican period, but he defends a view of Justification very similar to the Catholic position.
Otherwise, I was thinking of starting his famous ESSAY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE.
Both works are available in their entirety on-line at www.newmanreader.org. LECTURES ON JUSTIFICATION is also available in print through a publisher called Wipf and Stock out of Eugene, OR. DEVELOPMENT is readily available in print.
I am an amateur student of theology and have nothing special to offer aside from an interest in the subject. I figure that we could read a section a week, then maybe post reflections, questions, challenges, counter-arguments, alternative supporting arguments, practical applications for apologetics, etc. Let me know if anyone is interested.