Here is an interesting article we can discuss:
Tridentine Mass: Pope looks for bridge to tradition.
Here are some excerpts I wish to highlight,
Tridentine Mass: Pope looks for bridge to tradition.
Here are some excerpts I wish to highlight,
From the outside, allowing the old Mass has been seen primarily as a concession to the followers of the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who was excommunicated in 1988 for his intransigence on liturgical and other reforms of Vatican II.
But some Vatican officials believe that aspect has been overblown. More than making peace with Archbishop Lefebvre’s followers, they said, the pope is trying to make peace with the church’s own tradition.
One big clue to the pope’s thinking came in his 1997 book, titled “Milestones: Memoirs 1927-1977” and written when he was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, in which he sharply criticized the drastic manner in which Pope Paul VI reformed the Mass in 1969.
In effect, he said, “the old building was demolished” and a new one put in its place. Thus the liturgy ceased to be a living development and was treated as something manufactured by experts, which has caused the church “enormous harm,” he said.
Over the years, he has sharply criticized what he sees as a tendency for the worshiping community to celebrate only itself.