News: Pope ain't looking to good

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I have heard this for so many years now! But from what friends who have seen him they always tell me how despite weather or health problems he keeps hanging in there. Thanks be to God! But our liberal media they canā€™t say a good word about anything that we would like to hear!:tsktsk: Our local paper on a Sunday of all days to put two male homosexuals on the front page of the paper talking about gay marriage! I called and cancelled the paper. I am so tired of their liberal news!:tsktsk:
Yeah, I listened to a good bit of the rebroadcast of the Mass from Lourdes yesterday, and he sounded awful. Couldnā€™t say more that a word or two without stopping to breathe.

I feel so sorry for him. Someone his age with half his physical problems would be totally retired and living under some kind of full-time care (nursing home, etc.) I realize that, being the Pope, he doesnā€™t really have to do much for himself, but still, the strain he puts himself through must be incredible.

I feel so sorry for the pope it was aweful seeing him stumbling as he was kneeling to pray and struggling to say Mass itā€™s heartbreaking to see him deteriate like this if he lives another 5 years it will be a miracle pray for him!
the Pope reminds me of my grandfather, who is also Polish and born the same year as the Pope. For about 10 years my mom would say ā€œnow be extra good to grandpa when we see him this summer because it may be the last time we ever see himā€ Well heā€™s still around! Though my grandpa is in alot better shape than the Pope, poor guy.
the Pope reminds me of my grandfather, who is also Polish and born the same year as the Pope. For about 10 years my mom would say ā€œnow be extra good to grandpa when we see him this summer because it may be the last time we ever see himā€ Well heā€™s still around! Though my grandpa is in alot better shape than the Pope, poor guy.
That reminds me of my grandmother as well. She passed away a few years ago while rapidly closing in on her 99th birthday. For about 15-20 years she underwent many major health crises and each time everyone was preparing for the worst, but she was like the energizer bunny.

It wasnā€™t long ago (shortly before he beatified Mother Teresa) that the press had JPII all but buried, but his health improved somewhat and he soldiered on. At the time though I was suspecting that he would hang on just long enough so that he could beatify his friendā€¦the same way that elderly or terminally ill people will sometimes hang on until after Christmas or a special birthday.

Now Iā€™m of a mind that the Lord will take him when itā€™s his time to go. All the ā€œunnamed Vatican officialsā€ can make their morbid prognostications and do their hand wringing, but Iā€™ve heard it all before. Iā€™m not sure what to believe anymore with regard to his condition.
There was actually a rather lovely column in our local paper this morning from a woman who is generally quite liberal and in a paper that is the same. I donā€™t know whether or not she is Catholic, and the column is not religious in tone, but I still found it thought-provoking.

Please pray for the Pope, that the Lordā€™s will be done for him. He is such an inspiration to the world, a true hero and messenger of Christ.
Pray pray pray.
The Lord has given him a cross of suffering the fruits of which are being applied to the Church. Guess what??? Thatā€™s me and you. We should be so thankful for what we are witnessing.
We should pray each and every day for him. I pray twice each day for him. In my morning prayer and in my Rosary each evening.
I also always send my angel(s) to the Pope to strenghten him in his moment of need. Maybe we should all give our angels a job to do and send them to Rome to be with the Holy Father to strenghten him.
Do not feel sorry for the Holy Father. Admire hime and pray for him better to spend you energy this way.

ā€œThe Pope ainā€™t looking too goodā€ā€¦by whose standards?

I believe he looks absolutely wonderful - a witness to the Love of God in his life. His determination to continue, despite his sufferings. He is a true role model for all of those who suffer on a daily basis. He gives people hope - he shows the world that one can be disabled, infirmed and still be a contributor - an active contributor to society. He puts to shame all those who call for euthanasia.

I disagree with your assesment that he does not look too good.
Odd blessings, some things are.

Isnā€™t it great, in an odd way, that in the time where some scientists say ā€œI think we can cure horrible diseases by growing our own humans and using them for researchā€ that we have a Pope who suffers from one of those very illnesses to stand up and say ā€œNo! That is wrong!ā€

Hopefully his mission will be done soon, and God will relieve him of this eathly suffering so that he can begin to enjoy his eternal life.

I do not say this with maliceā€“I believe that he has been a great Pope.
HE LOOKS BEAUTIFUL TO ME, STUNNING AS A MATTER OF FACT! His courage should be a lesson to us all.
Late news tonight was discussing his September trip and plans for a 2 hour Mass.

I agree with Puppylove.

I think the Pope is an awesome example of faith AND courage. He inspires me through his suffering because I know he is doing the will of God. I think God has kept him here for so long to show us that we do not have to have ā€œperfectā€ bodies nor do we become useless when we are old. The Pope and his actions go contrary to the superficiality of our way of living today and for that Iā€™m greatful. - Mfaustina1
Where there is life , there is hope!! The Holy Spirit, giver of all life proceeding from the Father, where there is life there is indeed hope!! Through the power of prayer anything is possible, Godā€™s will, will be done, so pray the Pope doesnā€™t suffer, that His time of suffering ends, that his health is restored as best as it can be at his age, and that God our Father who sustains all life, looking kindly upon him.
no offence to anyone (especially hi sholyness), but NEWS: is not nessessarilly the best thing to put as the topic title if you cathc my drift.

i trust that God will give him enogh time to do whatever it is He wants him to do; i know despite the sufferings of age, he is more than happy to appease HIM.
For those who object to saying the Pope ainā€™t looking too ā€œgood,ā€ perhaps I might offer ā€œthe Pope ainā€™t looking too ā€˜wellā€™ā€. His image still stands as an icon of love and leadership to many, but his health is obviously not what it used to be.

I have heard a lot of angry people, mostly protestant but not all, say with vitriole that the Pope should have resigned long ago. Usually I just try to hear them out, because I cannot speak authoritatively on it and arguing with them would serve no purpose.

There are some things that JPII has done that really impress me. For example, he visited the man who shot him and forgave him. Another example is that, for the first time as far as I know, he officially apologized on behalf of the Catholic Church for what itā€™s done wrong in the past. These are the first two things I think of when I think of JPII, a man who appears to be walking the talk. I believe JPIIā€™s spirit will forever bless the Church no matter how much longer he lives.

I have heard that he has actually initiated proceeding to hold a meeting of bishops to elect a new Pope. Is that true? If so, is it unusual for a living Pope to do this?

iā€™ve heard from some good sources that his health has picked up pretty well since his visit to lourdes. God be praised. he has been an incredible pope. heā€™s one of the reasons i became catholic.

may God richly bless pope John Paul II, and thank you God for allowing us the blessing of having such an exemplary, intelligent, and loving man as your vicar for all these years.
Pray, and prayā€¦

The Hoy Fatherā€™s body may, indeed be failing. This is the lot of us all. His vision lives on.

Pray, and prayā€¦

May our Mohter protect us!

Did anyone hear that the Pope stated at Lourdesā€¦" I feel in my heart that my pilgrimage is coming to an end"?
ā€œThe Popeā€™s health has seriously weakened. When the Pope says: ā€˜I end my pilgrimage hereā€™, that could mean two things. That, at least was how people listening to him in the field interpreted it. It was almost his goodbye to Lourdes and maybe also to his life,ā€ ā€¦ Belgian Cardinal Godfried Danneels, who is seen as a leading contender to succeed John Paul II.
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