Has anyone familiar with NFP used or have heard about the effectiveness of fertility monitors?
I’m new to NFP and am pregnant with my second child in two years. We’re open to life and want to use NFP but my body (and our 2 bdrm apt) could use a little break and I’m nervous about using NFP correctly, especially since I BF and haven’t had a menses in 2 years. If fertility monitors were worth the expense and as effective as NFP used correctly then maybe it’s worth it as I wouldn’t have to worry about having to track my strange fertility cycles with NFP…?
I’m new to NFP and am pregnant with my second child in two years. We’re open to life and want to use NFP but my body (and our 2 bdrm apt) could use a little break and I’m nervous about using NFP correctly, especially since I BF and haven’t had a menses in 2 years. If fertility monitors were worth the expense and as effective as NFP used correctly then maybe it’s worth it as I wouldn’t have to worry about having to track my strange fertility cycles with NFP…?