I know that the Church’s teaching is that a couple must have ‘grave’ reasons for using NFP to avoid pregnancy, but my question is what impact this might have on choosing to actually get married. Should we wait to get married because we know that from the beginning we will be strictly using NFP to avoid pregnancy?
We are discerning that God is calling us to marriage sooner, but that the call to marriage at this point isn’t be identical to the call to have a family. Don’t get me wrong, we both are very open to God’s plan for us, and want to have as large a family as He knows is best…but financially, at the beginning of our marriage, we probably wouldn’t be able to support a child. (It would be do-able, with our savings…but tight!)
Our reason for avoiding is that for the first 6 months or so of our marriage, I would be the sole source of income for our family, until he graduates from the university. I know that financial reasons are considered grave… I guess the heart of my question is whether knowing ahead of time that we have grave reasons to avoid is reason enough to wait on getting married. For now, we don’t think that it is (we are eagerly awaiting the sacramental graces which flow from marriage!)…but I wanted to get some (name removed by moderator)ut here about it.
We are discerning that God is calling us to marriage sooner, but that the call to marriage at this point isn’t be identical to the call to have a family. Don’t get me wrong, we both are very open to God’s plan for us, and want to have as large a family as He knows is best…but financially, at the beginning of our marriage, we probably wouldn’t be able to support a child. (It would be do-able, with our savings…but tight!)
Our reason for avoiding is that for the first 6 months or so of our marriage, I would be the sole source of income for our family, until he graduates from the university. I know that financial reasons are considered grave… I guess the heart of my question is whether knowing ahead of time that we have grave reasons to avoid is reason enough to wait on getting married. For now, we don’t think that it is (we are eagerly awaiting the sacramental graces which flow from marriage!)…but I wanted to get some (name removed by moderator)ut here about it.