I agree that Rosary indeed may help.
But don’t forget to talk to God about your problem openly, pray together with your wife. Pray to God like this :
Father, you have sent your Son to die on the cross for me, to take away all of my sins, pains and all bad things in my life. I praise You for Your goodness O Lord, I thankyou for this Grace you have given me, that I may stand in your righteousness in Jesus Your Son. Now my wife and I are son and daughter of righteousness. I confess this faith that you have planted in me in the name of Jesus Your Son --that despite of anything-- I believe the truth that You bear witness through Jesus’s death and resurrection that we now are truly Your son and daughter. Therefore, take away all that does not come from You from our life : That you may guard what you have given us from the begining, that the world may not take it from us : all the things that You have given us from the begining. You are my only protection O Lord, my God and my savior, in whom I trust and hope. You have blessed my marriage from the first day, that now I turn to you that you protect and guard it and keep it against all kinds of evil. You are the Faithful One, teach my wife and me to be faithful to one another. Teach me to trust my wife as well. Grant us Your love that we may love each other truly. Turn the water into wine in our marriage and let us have sweet relationship even sweeter than ever. In the name of Jesus your only Son who has died on the cross for all of our sins. Amen.
God is the owner of everything, including good sleep, relationship, happiness, etc. Ask him that He may give you. Believe that He really want to give it to you for He has died on the cross bearing all of your infirmities and iniquities and terspasses, curses, deseases, including nightmares, stresses, etc.
Psalms 4:5
Offer the SACRAFICES of righteousness,
And TRUST in the LORD.
Psalms 4:8
IN PEACE I will both LIE DOWN and SLEEP,
For You alone, O LORD, make me to DWELL IN SAFETY.
May God bless you and your family