No abortion in Texas during CV pandemic

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Most women are just utilizing the morning after pill, available via pharmacies. The more affluent are still able to obtain “D&C’s”. Terminology is everything.
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Does it have the standard loopholes?
Don’t know. Anything’s better than nothing. Stopping some abortions is better than stopping no abortions.

In the future, even if though some miracle of grace, direct surgical abortion were outlawed, you would still have ways to “end the pregnancy” through pharmaceutical means, as soon after the first missed period as possible. When you go back early enough in the pregnancy, it then becomes more of a theology lesson, than something that could be outlawed. Non-believers aren’t easily persuaded that a clump of cells is a human being. And even pro-choice people want to hurry up and get the abortion out of the way as soon as possible… because the more time that goes by… the longer things get delayed… the more it seems like… a baby.
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