Noah and the Epic of Gilgamesh

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Hey guys i know this topic has been mentioned before but i have a few questions regarding it. I understand OT is not so much meant to give historical accounts as the NT is but rather convey certain religious truths through the medium of stories similar to how J.R.R Tolkien understood the power of myth.

After the 19th century discovery of the tablets revealing the epic of Gilgamesh, a story closely resembling Noah’s ark over 1000 years before it was written it is obvious this story inspired Noah’s ark. It is widely believed among scholars that the stories in Genesis and their similarities with other cultures at the time was actually to be an antidote to them, their familiarity with these stories was to speak to a people that would easily understand them. For example the Babylonians and other surrounding cultures believed the creation of the world was a result of chaos of competing deities, they also had a hierarchy of Gods all of whom were one being among many in the universe. This is in contrast and extraordinarily different from the one god of the bible who philosophers would later describe as the prime mover of reality itself.

In the epic of Gilgamesh the similarities between it and Noah is striking, so much so the mechanical details such as about the ark, the flood and what happens after are extremely similar however where the HUGE difference ly is how they portray the supernatural. The God’s in Gilgamesh are fallable, immoral and limited deities who end up fearing the flood and try to escape it themselves, their action to exterminate humanity is down to a arbitrary decision that we have gotten too noisy and must be silenced. In Noah God is in control at all times, he is the author and sustaining power of nature itself and this is evident throughout the story. In the end he tells to Noah never again will he flood the earth preventing any future anxiety yet in the story of Gilgamesh Utnapishtim and his wife are given the power of immortality after being favored by the Gods but no such promise is given to ease anxiety that future populations could never again suffer such a fate.

Anyway my question is this, did Noah exist or was he and the entire story allegory? If Noah and the story of the flood did not exist then what do you think Christ meant when he said
Matthew 24:37-39 'As it was in Noah’s day, so will it be when the Son of man comes. For in those days before the Flood people were eating, drinking, taking wives, taking husbands, right up to the day Noah went into the ark, and they suspected nothing till the Flood came and swept them all away. This is what it will be like when the Son of man comes.
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Didn’t Gilgamesh plagiarise Noah?

Only joking, Noah existed and so too did the food, Gilgamesh and his people probably had the story handed down to them from their ancestors who cam e from Noah.
A global flood is now proven to never have occurred, local floods in and around this area however were said to have occurred during these time periods that could support a local flood story which appears more likely
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Noah existed. Obviously over many centuries the story became embellished in many cultures, including the Hebrew culture. Whether his actual name was Noah or if it was just some kind of title the Hebrews called him by cannot be known. But the version of the story found in the Old Testament is scripture and we should read it as such by looking for types of Christ in it. This is how St. Peter read it.
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If Noah and the story of the flood did not exist then what do you think Christ meant when he said
Matthew 24:37-39 'As it was in Noah’s day, so will it be when the Son of man comes. For in those days before the Flood people were eating, drinking, taking wives, taking husbands, right up to the day Noah went into the ark, and they suspected nothing till the Flood came and swept them all away. This is what it will be like when the Son of man comes.
He explains what he means. What are you not understanding?

Read only the bolded part then it should make sense.
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Very few if really any Church scholars today believe in a world-wide flood that wiped out the earth, this i partly due to geologists discovering that such a flood never had existed and instead could be blamed on more recent discoveries of huge catastrophic local floods which also occurred around 7000 years in the Mesopotamia area which could give grounds for such a story in this area
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If Noah and the story of the flood did not exist then what do you think Christ meant when he said
Matthew 24:37-39 'As it was in Noah’s day, so will it be when the Son of man comes. For in those days before the Flood people were eating, drinking, taking wives, taking husbands, right up to the day Noah went into the ark, and they suspected nothing till the Flood came and swept them all away. This is what it will be like when the Son of man comes.
He explains what he means. What are you not understanding?

Read only the bolded part then it should make sense.
i don’t think you understood my question at all. I asked if Noah truly existed or merely invented to convey religious truth to a people who were already familiar with such a story, the epic of Gilgamesh. I’m open to both and personally believe he did exist but just want to hear differing opinions
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I asked if Noah truly existed or merely invented to convey religious truth to a people who were already familiar with such a story, the epic of Gilgamesh
It’s a Jewish story. Look at Jewish scholarship on it.

If you’re interested in it’s Christology, look at Chatholic scholars.

If you want a historical analysis of it, try to find a historical analysis.
Maybe Moses wrote that book as a criticism or re imagining of a pagan myth about a historical event. Like there’s other similarities between existing Babylonian myths and the events of Genesis; it seems likely that Moses was “baptizing” these stories by making them consistent with the character of God as God had revealed himself to Moses.
Maybe Moses wrote that book as a criticism or re imagining of a pagan myth about a historical event. Like there’s other similarities between existing Babylonian myths and the events of Genesis; it seems likely that Moses was “baptizing” these stories by making them consistent with the character of God as God had revealed himself to Moses.
If the Noah story is allegorical of a real historical event then is Noah merely allegorical? I just don’t believe that to be the case and it seems the NT doesn’t either

2 Peter 2:4-9 For if God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of nether gloom to be kept until the judgment; [5] if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven other persons, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly; [6] if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomor’rah to ashes he condemned them to extinction and made them an example to those who were to be ungodly; [7] and if he rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the licentiousness of the wicked [8] (for by what that righteous man saw and heard as he lived among them, he was vexed in his righteous soul day after day with their lawless deeds), [9] then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trial, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment,
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I don’t have a firm stance about whether the events in the early part of the Genesis are perfectly literal history or if they are a story perfectly capturing the theology of creation and man’s relationship to God. The church also does not have a single endorsed interpretation but permits a wide range of stances about the historicity. If I had to guess, I think there was a massive flood in the middle east early in history and other floods throughout the world at the same time.

One person who survived was Christ’s ancestor, Noah, but its likely even from the text that there are others. If not than to repopulate the Earth Noah’s family would have to violate the law against sexual immorality God just gave to Noah. Genesis is historical, but obviously not in the same way that a history text book is. I don’t think it is disrespectful to sacred scripture or undervaluing it to say Moses may have been baptizing a myth about a historical flood into a Monotheist framework.
Age of Docs are simply that…

Gilgamesh doesn’t override Genesis…

There’s 100’s of accounts of a very early huge flood…

why? Because, there was a huge Flood.
I don’t feel that that would qualify as a lie in the least. Not even as a half or partial truth. I think we often read the Torah as a historical document in the Greek tradition of scholarship rather than the Hebrew tradition. The real question is what does God want us to understand from this story.

I don’t think we are to accept as a pillar of our faith that God saved exactly one family and in doing so gave that family no option but to violate the moral law he just gave them to not commit sexual immorality- though you are certainly free to believe that.

I think is very clear that there was a huge flood, that one family who survived had a virtuous patriarch who knew God, that That man received a law and covenant from God and that Abraham was his descendent through Shem. Beyond that the text is recording theological truths and a truth of Gods relationship to Israel more than acting as a history textbook.

Both readings are permissible in the church today as I understand it.
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One thing we know.

Noah and his Ark - are even mentioned by Jesus …

It’s meaning? Obey God’s Command.

Very few if really any Church scholars today believe in a world-wide flood that wiped out the earth, this i partly due to geologists discovering that such a flood never had existed and instead could be blamed on more recent discoveries of huge catastrophic local floods which also occurred around 7000 years in the Mesopotamia area which could give grounds for such a story in this area
It didn’t have to be an “earth-wide flood”, just a “world-wide flood” - world refers to the realm of people, which prior to the flood was in the regions around Mesopotamia only, thus that region and its surrounds were all that needed to be flooded for a “WORLD-wide flood”.

And even more pointedly, prior to the Tower where the people scattered all over the earth there was the time of the sons of Noah when all people knew of the flood and also many of the people were making up new gods and imagining new ways of interpreting reality, still remembering the name of ‘HE WHO IS’ (the name being ‘I AM’) yet refusing to honor him alone as God and turn only to him. So the LORD gave them up in their foolishness, and they began de-evolving from a people who knew what really happened into numerous peoples who knew fantasies.

Who is filling your head with the idea that religion developed over millennia from no understanding with Judaism and Christianity being one of a multitude of religious human creations, when in fact true religion increasingly becomes corrupted from knowing at first the true God into foolish opinions and assertions with no basis in actual history.
it is obvious this story inspired Noah’s ark.
But was it? Or was it one of those things in human memory due to its dramatic effect that all sorts of peoples and cultures remembered, each interpreting the event’s meaning according to its own understanding.

There is no compelling reason to think it was just a myth or that the Israelites “borrowed” it from other cultures.
No offence but there is no way that can be proved.
Yes there is. If the Ark story is true then every land tetrapod species had a genetic bottleneck down to two, or fourteen, individuals within the last 10,000 years.

There is no evidence of such a universal genetic bottleneck. We know that such evidence would be detectable if it existed because we have just such evidence in cheetahs. That single species did have a genetic bottleneck down to a single family about 10,000 years ago. All living cheetahs are still very genetically similar, so much so that they can easily accept skin grafts from each other.

If the evidence were there we would find it.

Humans most recent genetic bottleneck was about 70,000 years ago when the population dropped to around 10,000 breeding pairs.

Noah’s flood would have been a large local flood, quite possibly the same one mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh which originated from the same area. The story in Genesis is there for a moral purpose, not a scientific purpose. The Bible is not a science textbook.
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Yes there is. If the Ark story is true then every land tetrapod species had a genetic bottleneck down to two, or fourteen, individuals within the last 10,000 years.
Yes. Also, the geographic diversity of species is another strong indicator, e.g. explain the koala.
There are at least 2 ancient pagan flood stories: The Gilgamesh Epic and the Atrathasis Epic, both originating in ancient Mesopotamia. Because both sources predate the source of Noah’s story, many scholars have concluded that Noah’s flood story was borrowed from these. However, consider the following objections:
•When a historical event is retold to different audiences over time, the story generally becomes more mythical and embellished, and poetry and exalted language are used. It is the opposite when Noah’s and the pagan stories are compared. Noah’s story is simpler and told in a straightforward narrative, while the pagan stories are told in a more mythical and embellished style.

•Noah’s story is monotheistic, and the characters are ethically moral. The pagan stories are polytheistic, and the characters are ethically capricious. The pagan gods are implied to be selfish, jealous of each other and lie to each other. Moreover, in the Atrathasis Epic the gods discover that due to the flood, they have wiped out their only source of food (people’s sacrifices) implying that they depend on humans.

•The shape of the ark in Noah’s story is the only one that can be considered seaworthy, being rectangular and in dimensions similar to more modern cargo barges. The pagan stories describe an ark that is round or cubic, which would make an ark less stable for floatation and also more vulnerable to damage/overturning by wave impact.

It is therefore more likely that Noah’s story with its later source is, by Divine intervention, faithful to the actual historical event; while the pagan stories are versions modified to suit the polytheistic religion/culture of their audiences. At the same time, it is remarkable that the pagan stories confirm that a history-changing flood did occur.
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