NOminate your town: Great Places to live and raise a Catholic family

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I ws prompted to start this thread from a couple posts I read in other family life threads. The “What have you heard in homilies” thread included a response from a participant that she “lives in a Catholic paradise.” In some threads on family size, a participant said large families were the norm at her parish. These responses had me inquiring to the individuals about where they live!

This is not just an idle question. My husband and I, married in '02 and with a 13 month old girl, hope to be able to raise a large family. Regardless of size (as this is up to God’s will) we endeavor to raise a devout Catholic family. Recently, we have been discussig the fact that our town may not be the best place to do so.

Our town is called Holland, in Michigan. Though it is quite a pretty town, it is so overwhelmingly Protestant. It is even in the Guiness book of world records for the most churches per capita, literally almost one on every street corner. It is mainly reformed, a Dutch presbyterian, calvinist, lutheran mix. The town has protestant colleges. The culture is so Potestant, that even the one Catholic church is so liberal it has lost much of its Catholic identity. I am a convert from the Reformed faith, and I respect its good qualities, but really feel this is not the place for surrounding your family with Catholic values.

Well, to get to the point, I would like participants who love their town to give it a commercial here on this forum on why it would be a great place for a family to move to. I am looking for a true Catholic culture, understanding, of course, that no place is perfect. I would like a place where people don’t think I must be leading a daycare if I walk a family of 5+ kids around the store. 🙂 A place where I can learn from my neighbors and parishoners, where there are excellent Catholic schools and strong priestly vocation programs.

So far, we are already tentatively planning a trip to Front Royal, VA, one “catholic paradise.”

Thanks for any responses. But be careful, we might come invade your town if you are convincing. 🙂
my town is not going to be winning any Catholic town USA award for sure…there are over 8,000 cradle catholics who attend church Easter/Christmas and about 3,000 go to Sunday Mass. Barley anyone knows anything about really being a Catholic, except for about 400 (between five churches) dedicated parishoners. At my old church we played drinking games during confirmation class while one boy who was a professed wiccan sat in the corrner and chanted spells over us all.
Hey Kelli!!! I have a friend that lives in Holland MI!! She is Catholic, but very very liberal. I’m in Toledo OH. Our diocese is very liberal, but we have recently been appointed a new bishop (You may know (of) him, he was in MI for quite awhile, Bishop Leonard Blair?) And we really sense things turning.

I was the one who mentioned that most families in our parish have large families. Mind you, this is only in our parish, it is not the norm for Toledo. We belong to Historic St. Josephs downtown, where we have the traditional architecture (alter rail, etc…) alter boys only, we celebrate the TLM once a week on Thursdays and two Sunday’s a month. Most of the families in our parish also homeschool. Our priest has spoken out about all of the issues in the other thread. He is a very holy, pious, and orthodox priest, he is also very old. We have no idea what may happen to our parish when he is gone.

The downfall (?) if I can even call it so, is the lack of parish community. We all come from all over the city and suburbs, leaving the parish bounderies that we live in. Most of us do attend daily mass w/in our parish bounderies though, and try to be involoved in apostolic work in other parishes.

All in all, I do think Toledo is a decent place to raise a Catholic family.
We too are looking for a great place to raise our family. We currently reside in the Portland, OR metro area, and would like to leave, for reasons that are probably pretty obvious… As it is, the natural beauty of our area is great. The sad thing is, the woman on the portland city council that started the whole gay marriage thing here, claims to be Catholic and “attends Mass every week.” She is also a big abortion advocate… Portland is also home to the largest bath house on the west coast (yes, we even beat out San Francisco)… So, you can probably cross Portland off your list!

We visited Butte, MT last year and fell in love with it. There is a giant statue of Mary that sits on a mountain overlooking the town, Our Lady of the Rockies. This statue was designed and built by the townspeople, even the Protestants chipped in and helped to build her… Incredible. Now, if only they had a high tech job for my husband…:hmmm:
Can I nominate someone else’s town? 😉 We don’t live in Combermere, Ontario, but sometimes we wish we did. It’s a small town, surrounded by Canadian wilderness. Mosquitoes and blackflies in the summer; freezing temperatures in the winter. A 3-hour drive from the nearest city.

Nonetheless, 30 or 40 devout Catholic families have settled in the area. (Given that it’s such a small town, this is a large proportion of the population.) They’re inspired by the nearby lay community, Madonna House; the natural beauty of the surroundings; and the opportunity to live a simple life. There are lots of homeschoolers, and they’ve even started a liberal arts college. 🙂

No high-tech jobs, though…unless you can telecommute!
Holland, Mi. Hmmmmm. I’ve heard of it. If I’m not mistaken there are a whopping TWO Catholic churches there. I’ve heard they hide the tabernacle in the BACK of the church there so everyone’s back is facing our Lord during mass. Might I suggest taking a field trip with your hubby to St. Isadore’s Parish in Grand Rapids? That is a very orthodox parish with a very loving Polish priest by the name of Fr. Don Lomaciewicz. Tell him I sent ya 😉

I live in a HIGHLY Catholic populated area (South Texas, close to Mexico, big families are not rare). I wish that were a bit better than living in a highly Protestant populated area but it is not. In a highly Protestant populated area a Catholic must either 1-learn to defend their faith 2-avoid discussions of an apologetic nature or 3- become prey to the non-Catholics.

In my highly Catholic populated area, many Catholics have become lazy. They don’t learn their faith because they’re rarely challenged on it. Many don’t even understand how they fit into Christian history. One young man stated to me that he is NOT Christian, he is Catholic. I had to give him a crash course in history explaining his Church is the 1st Christian church founded by Christ Himself. I have actually heard some Catholics state that they worship (not revere or honor) Mary to non-Catholics! Oy! Try explaining Marian doctrine after that a-bomb.

Also, in my area many Catholics (Mexican-American) have incorporated a variety of superstitious practices in with their faith such as going to curanderas (female faith healers who are basically witches who manipulate the faith to make it SOUND like they are Catholics) to heal Ojo (evil eye) and other maladies.

The parish I am currently attending does NOT encourage these practices but unfortunately does not take a very active role in catechising adults as well as children. I propose we all move to San Diego, form a Catholic commune, and vote Karl in as our president. Anyone else in?
Chicago is a great place to be RC. We have a great Cardinal, Francis George, and there are alot of Catholics here. Of course, it is a liberal (democratic) town so I am very conservative compared to most of the parishioners. I have a lot to pray about here. I take it on as a special grace.

We moved to Rockford, Ill. at Thanksgiving.

You’ll love Rockford for Homeschooling, good Bishop, lots of Parishes, Latin Masses, loads of large, faithful Catholic families and hey we’re the home of Tan Publishing! Also have several museums, good libraries and an awesome Park District. We were just voted Best Sports Town in Illinois. And if you’re a golfer, move here immediately! All the museums, art studios, Gymnastic acedemies, and YMCA offer Homeschool classes. (did I mention Rockford is great for Homeschooling 😃 )

Rockford stinks for extremely high taxes, horrible public school system and half the town is terribly run down.

But boy, can you get a lot of house for your money! Housing is a steal.

All in all we love it here. But our next house might be in the country, though hopefully no further than 15 to 20 minutes.

At my old church we played drinking games during confirmation class while one boy who was a professed wiccan sat in the corrner and chanted spells over us all.
WOW!! Meggie, I am so, so sorry… I am glad you are one here though… at least it did not cause you to lose your faith… wow…

We visited Butte, MT last year and fell in love with it. There is a giant statue of Mary that sits on a mountain overlooking the town, Our Lady of the Rockies. This statue was designed and built by the townspeople, even the Protestants chipped in and helped to build her… Incredible. Now, if only they had a high tech job for my husband…:hmmm:
MM… i love butte, actually, I love just about any place in MT. My wife, from TN, is not particularly fond of the west, but as soon as I took her to MT, she didnt want to go back. Now, as you said, if only they had jobs. BTW… if you have ever been up in missoula or around flathead lake, it’s amazing!!

Thank you for all of your replies.

My husband and I have considered MT for it’s beauty. He is a mechanical engineer, but would enjoy being a rancher more!

I must admit, summers in Texas and winters in Montana scare me a bit! but, for a Catholic community, i could hack the elements of nature. 🙂
thanks again,
If it’s not Rineyville, Ky… well then it’s not… surrounded by a hot bed of Baptist… but that only keeps us on our toes… A great Catholic community at St John’s the Baptist Catholic Church.
A little old church with a little old priest… sweetest guy in the world… Come on in, the water is fine! 👍
I used to live in Denver, CO and loved the faith life there. The archbishop is WONDERFUL! He celebrates High Mass at the Cathedral downtown every Sunday and preaches the truth without sugarcoating it. I’ve written to him a couple of times with questions and he answered the same day even though he probably gets a load of e-mails a day. Denver is also close to the beautiful mountains. Some shrines and kids’ camps are located in the mountains. And the weather is pretty mild. Overall, a pretty good city to live in.
Chicago is a great place to be RC. We have a great Cardinal, Francis George, and there are alot of Catholics here. Of course, it is a liberal (democratic) town so I am very conservative compared to most of the parishioners. I have a lot to pray about here. I take it on as a special grace.
ITA, Denise…Chicago is a wonderful place to be Catholic – an abundance of Catholic schools, a Catholic mayor, and such a huge influence from many Catholic cultures – Polish, Irish, Italian, etc. I had the honor of working with Joseph Cardinal Bernardin many years back, and knew in an instant I was in the presence of holiness.

Not to mention the Southsiders know how to party! 😉
WOW!! Meggie, I am so, so sorry… I am glad you are one here though… at least it did not cause you to lose your faith… wow…

Thanks…somehow I keep going…this, by far, was one of the least things that would cause me to loose my faith, so I never thought much of it…sometimes I don’t even think its that wrong…I pray for the wiccan boy and the other kids in my class most every night. Alot of them were influenced by their older siblings whereas I am the oldest.

Being in a town with alot of support for a Catholic family is good, but Catholics should be a shining example to ALL and in a well, cultured, repectable Catholic town Faith can grow, but certinally its not the same as a few Catholics who support eachother in a town that is only negiglbly Catholic.
I think a safe neighborhood and a functioning parish are vitally more important then the whole town supporting Catholocism. We aren’t like those protestants who hide up in the western mountian and keep to ourselves. We are a huge church that is spread to every corrner of the globe.
I want to recommend my own neck of the woods–here in central mountainous Pennsylvania!

We are rural here, that’s for sure, but we fit all the bills of what you’re looking for–good Catholic communities, good Catholic schools, large Catholic families!! Now I’m not sure I’d actually recommend Cambria County (where I live) but Blair County and Centre County PA are all very close to here, and excellent options too.

Considering your husband’s work, you may need to look at Altoona, PA or State College, PA. Lots of nice land in between those two areas, too.

NICE area. Mountains, very conservative area (Al Gore won the state…but he basically only won Pittsburgh and Philly–everything in the middle is quite conservative!). Very Catholic. Very very pro-life. Planned Parenthood exists, but is the pariah. You want to help crisis pregnancies? There’s an organization here called Mom’s House. Free daycare for single parents to finish school. GREAT group–started here, there are several houses, lots of opportunities to help a great cause.

We paid $60,000 for our house: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 12 acres of land. Our taxes are $600 a year.

Our cops aren’t tough, because there’s nothing for them to do. Read the crime report: parking violations, public drunkenness (on Main Street at 2 am when the bar closes!). There has been a crime spree lately: last weekend, some kids with a BB gun shot out 3 streetlights, and now the whole town’s looking for them! THAT is big news around here right now!!

Mary gardens in every yard.

Our town has 4 Catholic Churches. You can’t walk to any of them from here, but you can walk from one to another easy enough–they’re all in town. There are Eucharistic processions in town–from one church to another to another on days like Corpus Christi Sunday or Holy Thursday.

Actually, on Good Friday, a cross is carried from one Christian Church to another to another to another. Very ecumenical, in the best sense of the word. All churches are involved in that: Lutheran, Methodist, Catholic.

You can take a baby for walks all over. Nice parks, wonderful people. In State College, there is an Arts Festival to rival the quality of anything I’ve seen in any big city. I took my girls there yesterday. A whole day of arts and fun…and all I spent was $6 on 2 fruit cups!!

Here, I’m a 5 hour drive from NYC. 1 1/2 to Pittsburgh. 3 hours to DC.

Gorgeous fall foliage. Great skiing in winter. State parks and other fun places for summer.

You can raise a family in this area. Catholic schools abound. Catholic/Christian values are the norm. Cost of living is great. Lots of homeschoolers.

I’m not biased or anything…

[ One of the 5 biggest fireworks displays in the country!](

[ Visit the Allegheny Mountains…](

[ A little about our diocese…](

[ The Tour de Toona…](

For a taste of life here!

Really, we’re just quiet communities in the mountains. We mind our families, help our neighbors, send our kids to school, and go to Church (many Churches are full every Sunday!!). Those links are so you don’t think we’re just a bunch of recluses!!
Ok, I was going to nominate Union Missouri. Two very holy priests…Immaculate Conception Church. A parish school being turned back into Catholic by the 50 yr old pastor. He’ll be around for a while-just came 2 yrs ago. The confession lines are long…a growing homeschool population encouraged by Father Midas.

Fastest growing in Franklin co with 8,000 people. Pretty area. By St. Louis (< one hr. for all the shopping if you like that sort of thing) by Washington(8 miles away) that has many “city” stores…housing costs very reasonable…get here soon though!
We have a Super Wal-mart and the things that accompany it…as well as a Target & Lowes coming…then we’ll see! It’s going to be great.

Job prospects great here, it seems. There are industries and new housing galore.

I like living here!People are still nice and friendly.
I want more people like me here, so go ahead and come!

If you don’t, I might have to go to the mountains of PA or Montana…or Denver. We do not have mountains here. Only hills.
That is the only draw back.

Love in Jesus,
Shelby Grace
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