I am 16, (a sophomore) and was raised Baptist. My family is kind of anti-Catholic. I converted to Catholicism the summer of my 8th grade year, while I was in Spain with my exchange student (A). My family was not there, I stayed with A’s family. During the summer months, I confessed to A’s mother that I was feeling led by The Spirit to look deeper into The Faith. She gladly helped me through all that needed to be done. Fast forward, I get home and don’t tell my family everything about me converting. (This was a big mistake on my part) Now, they ‘attack’ me every chance they get, the most recent one being not allowing me to attend Mass. They argue and argue with me about the Bible, Purgatory, Infant Baptism, Intercession of Saints, and Confessing to a Priest. It saddens me because though I try to explain what I so firmly believe, I am met with aggression and denial. Do any of you have helpful articles/things to say to them? They accuse me of “adding things to the scriptures” when in reality I’m just reading what’s there, and they’re the ones who have several books missing in their Protestant Bibles. Please, I’m loosing hope here.
God Bless you all.
God Bless you all.