Non- Cath. Wife and scapular

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Will this thread post? I’ve had problems.
It posted, but that’s all it said.
Since I cannot help you with your question - here’s my suggestion.
Go buy a Green Scapular and get it blessed. Hide it under the bed, her side of the car seat, in her closet, under the sofa. Where ever.

Then pray daily, “Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.”

This is powerful for conversions.
Now what’s your question?
Since I cannot help you with your question - here’s my suggestion.
Go buy a Green Scapular and get it blessed. Hide it under the bed, her side of the car seat, in her closet, under the sofa. Where ever.

Then pray daily, “Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.”

This is powerful for conversions.
Now what’s your question?
I’ve heard this several times, but what I’m wondering is…isn’t this like superstition?
I’ve heard this several times, but what I’m wondering is…isn’t this like superstition?
i’m going to try this with fast and prayer for my wife
I own my own business(a hair salon of all things…Idon’t cut hair but wife does.) The depravity of morals in our young female staff is unreal…thinking about putting Holy Water in their spray bottles!!

Peace and Love




The depravity of morals in our young female staff is unreal…thinking about putting Holy Water in their spray bottles!!
I’ve seen on TV where Father Corapi has mentioned this tactic with admiration. I’d say go for it. But make sure the spray bottles are labeled somehow so you don’t mix them up.

dnewbern: Your question took on your other thread.

To repeat my answer (in short) please see a Priest soon in a counselling session – before going to confession or taking communion.
I show honor to my non-Catholic wife by often attending her church services after I take my daughter to Mass. This means going to church twice each weekend. I don’t attend on Sundays when they participate in their communion. I have even gone to the front of their congregation to give the “Call to Worship”

Loving, patient prayer and perseverence. As Jesus laid down his life for his church must husbands lay down their lives for their wives. Your loving example will speak volumes of words.
i’m going to try this with fast and prayer for my wife
I own my own business(a hair salon of all things…Idon’t cut hair but wife does.) The depravity of morals in our young female staff is unreal…thinking about putting Holy Water in their spray bottles!!
I love this. Great idea for the holy water.
I’ve heard this several times, but what I’m wondering is…isn’t this like superstition?
There is nothing superstitious about the scapular. It’s like wearing one or any other Catholic devotion. It’s all in the faith.
There is nothing superstitious about the scapular. It’s like wearing one or any other Catholic devotion. It’s all in the faith.
I’ve just heard a lot of people say that if you put the scapular near the person and pray this certain prayer for them every night, that that person will be converted. Just sounds kinda superstitious to me. Maybe I need to just let go and give it a shot…I have some friends that my heart aches over them coming to the truth of Catholicism.
The scapular can be superstition if not used properly. See the Holy Fathers reflections on the 750th anniversary of the giving of the scapular.

*The sign of the Scapular points to an effective synthesis of Marian spirituality, which nourishes the devotion of believers and makes them sensitive to the Virgin Mother’s loving presence in their lives. The Scapular is essentially a “habit”. Those who receive it are associated more or less closely with the Order of Carmel and dedicate themselves to the service of Our Lady for the good of the whole Church. Those who wear the Scapular are thus brought into the land of Carmel, so that they may “eat its fruits and its good things” (cf. Jer 2: 7), and experience the loving and motherly presence of Mary in their daily commitment to be clothed in Jesus Christ and to manifest him in their life for the good of the Church and the whole of humanity.

Therefore two truths are evoked by the sign of the Scapular: on the one hand, the constant protection of the Blessed Virgin, not only on life’s journey, but also at the moment of passing into the fullness of eternal glory; on the other, the awareness that devotion to her cannot be limited to prayers and tributes in her honour on certain occasions, but must become a “habit”, that is, a permanent orientation of one’s own Christian conduct, woven of prayer and interior life, through frequent reception of the sacraments and the concrete practice of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. In this way the Scapular becomes a sign of the “covenant” and reciprocal communion between Mary and the faithful: indeed, it concretely translates the gift of his Mother, which Jesus gave on the Cross to John and, through him, to all of us, and the entrustment of the beloved Apostle and of us to her, who became our spiritual Mother.*

The effectiveness of the scapular is that those who wear it are reminded by it’s presents to live as one dedicated to the Virgin and in turn she will protect you. To clandestinely give it to another does not associate that person with Carmel or with the promise of the Scapualar.
The scapular can be superstition if not used properly. See the Holy Fathers reflections on the 750th anniversary of the giving of the scapular.

*The sign of the Scapular points to an effective synthesis of Marian spirituality, which nourishes the devotion of believers and makes them sensitive to the Virgin Mother’s loving presence in their lives. The Scapular is essentially a “habit”. Those who receive it are associated more or less closely with the Order of Carmel and dedicate themselves to the service of Our Lady for the good of the whole Church. Those who wear the Scapular are thus brought into the land of Carmel, so that they may “eat its fruits and its good things” (cf. Jer 2: 7), and experience the loving and motherly presence of Mary in their daily commitment to be clothed in Jesus Christ and to manifest him in their life for the good of the Church and the whole of humanity. *

Therefore two truths are evoked by the sign of the Scapular: on the one hand, the constant protection of the Blessed Virgin, not only on life’s journey, but also at the moment of passing into the fullness of eternal glory; on the other, the awareness that devotion to her cannot be limited to prayers and tributes in her honour on certain occasions, but must become a “habit”, that is, a permanent orientation of one’s own Christian conduct, woven of prayer and interior life, through frequent reception of the sacraments and the concrete practice of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. In this way the Scapular becomes a sign of the “covenant” and reciprocal communion between Mary and the faithful: indeed, it concretely translates the gift of his Mother, which Jesus gave on the Cross to John and, through him, to all of us, and the entrustment of the beloved Apostle and of us to her, who became our spiritual Mother.

The effectiveness of the scapular is that those who wear it are reminded by it’s presents to live as one dedicated to the Virgin and in turn she will protect you. To clandestinely give it to another does not associate that person with Carmel or with the promise of the Scapualar.
Dear friend

Wonderful and beautiful post. No it is not the placing of a scapular under a pillow, it is the wearer who wears it in faith and prays for the conversion of others who, consecrating themselves to our Blessed Mother may then by this consecration through her belssed scapular , may gain graces for others…this is what we seek in all prayers we make whether we wear a scapular or not, we seek graces for ourselves and for others.

‘Your faith has made you well.’ To pray in faith for spiritual health or physical health be it of yourself or of another as a scapular wearer is to pray through Mary, to do this is to acknowledge her place as the axis of all history by which Divinity came to humanity in fullness, this is a devotion, that Christ Jesus will always, always answer.

God Bless you
I have been thinking about getting some green scapulars for family members too and would be sticking them under their mattresses as well. I have not done so yet, becuase I do think it seems very superstitious, but I thought the green scapular was different than the brown scpaular (a mdeal of which I have had since second grade) in that brown scapulars are worn with intention by those who own them and need to be invested on the person by a priest, but green scapulars are mean for conversion, and the person for whom they are intended needn’t actually wear them for them to be effective.

I have been praying mightily for these peopel too. Don’t get me wrong. And I suppose that prayers should be enough. I’m uign the “efficacious novena to the Sacred Heart,” which is a pretty poetent address. I just feel so frustrated at times.

It does not disturb me so much when my prayers for myself feel unanswered, because I do believe that ultimately no prayers are unanswered by God, but that he chooses the best paths for us. but with the conversion of family members, one in particular who I have grave concern for because he seems to have a dangerous drug habit in his closet and he has so much potential; it is difficult for me to understand what better plan God can have than that they know Him and love Him.
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