I got to wondering:
Catholics have ben blessed with so many approved apparotions of the BVM and many visions, locutions and apparitions of Jesus, and apparitions of other saints as well.
Can other Christian faiths claim the same thing?
Do the Orthodox have visits from our Mother in Heaven?
What about Protestant denominations?
Have Muslims or Jews reported visits by Angels in the common era?
Anyone know anything about this?
Hi Dan,
As I am not a person with much church history I dont know. I am not even sure what an apparition is.
To my knowledge I have not spoken to or been spoken to by any angels.
But I did go through a period when I could just lie down in bed and get into the zone and see things. I could not ask to see things, things would just come. I imagine that is what happened to people like Leonardi Da Vinci. He probably saw things and then because he was also a talented artist he could draw things. If I could draw, I too could have drawn things. This happened to me in the early 80’s and again for a couple of years late 90’s. I have seen some wonderful things. I used to be able to ask questions as well and get answers. Once I saw this head with a thick head of hacked off red hair. It was being lowered over a high wall on an iron hook. I asked whose head it was and the answer was John’s. This doesn’t come naturally to me now and I dont chase it. But Christ has shown things to me since but “out of the blue” not as a regular " get into the zone" exercise.
As Thailand is a heathen country, there are many spirits around. An acquaintance called me and I visited him this week. He has been in a new house ( renting an older place) for 4 weeks. His 3 year old daughter has to share her toys with a spirit.The daughter has told them the spirit will kill her if she wont share her toys. He was serious. This spirit only talks to the 3 year old. I didnt know what to do. He is not really christian. I said I didnt know any thing about spirits but he should remember the authority in the name Jesus Christ and he should teach his daughter to say it. It is not a subject that scares people away here. Not many, but it is not too uncommon to talk to people who have a personal story to tell about spirits and where they live.
Nearly all pieces of land have a small or larger ( the size of a car) spirit house for the spirit of the land to live in. to appease him for taking and using the land. There is a lot of fortune telling in this land as well and things must be done on the auspicious date, the date being supplied by a monk, who I suppose contacts a spirit.
The chinese are very supersticious and are always consulting the spirits. Living in Christian countries tends to blind us to our blessings.
I hope I haven’t strayed off the subject.
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walk in love