My parents used to be Catholic and converted to protestant before I was born, so I was brought up protestant. My parents never had anything good to say about Catholics, and they really hated what they believed. I grew up with that and I always thought Catholics would go to hell. Well a month ago I decided to open my mind up, and I asked God to show me the truth about Catholics. He did, and within a week I KNEW that Catholicism was the correct and true church set up by Jesus and the apostles. Well, needless to say, my parents aren’t please that I’m thinking of becoming a Catholic. Whenever I talk to them about it, they start yelling and throwing accusations (i.e. purgatory, praying for dead, mary worship, blah blah blah, etc.). I have answers for all their accusations, but they don’t want to hear the answer at all.
So, I don’t know what I should do. Should I go to the nearest parish behind my parents back, or listen to them and go when I turn 18? (I’m currently 16.)
Thanks in advance,
So, I don’t know what I should do. Should I go to the nearest parish behind my parents back, or listen to them and go when I turn 18? (I’m currently 16.)
Thanks in advance,