What kind of vitamins are in it? I had a pug dog many years ago, who began craving vitamin A & C rich foods–He about lived on liver, carrots, & fruit…Begged for the fruit & carrots (& other high A veggies).
It turned out that he had had cancer for a long time…He was happy & seemed well right up to one day, he laid down to sleep & never woke up…
When the vet did an autopsy, he told us, from the amount of cancer in his body, the little guy should have been dead months before…The 1st question he asked was what we had been feeding him…It turns out that he was craving exactly what his body needed to fight the cancer.
This was an animal that cried if you looked at him wrong, so we knew he had not been in pain.
I have never heard of noni juice, but if it is going to replenish vitamins in his body, this could greatly improve the quality of his life–i.e., relief of pain & sick feelings. It might even increase his life span; who knows??
A lot of people thought that the whole family was nuts to be cooking liver for a dog…Liver was what made him strong to fight the illness.
God bless you & your dog, too…