Noob question. Is the catholic prayer of/from a non-catholic person effective?

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For example, I am a Buddhist in the process of converting to catholic. If I pray the Rosary, will it be of any use at all for myself and others?
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The only reason prayer would be inefficacious is if a mockery were being made of it: praying for harm upon others, praying as though making demands or expecting entitlements, praying for your own pride/glory, etc.
Anybody earnestly praying to God in thanksgiving, for help, for forgiveness, etc., will be infallibly heard by God, in spite of their imperfections, and in spite of the limited amount of light/understanding that they have been given. This includes people of any religion or of no religion.

He spoke also this parable to certain people who were convinced of their own righteousness, and who despised all others. “Two men went up into the temple to pray; one was a Pharisee, and the other was a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed to himself like this: ‘God, I thank you, that I am not like the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week. I give tithes of all that I get.’ But the tax collector, standing far away, wouldn’t even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
— Luke 18:9-14

So yes. Begin praying immediately and with 100% trust that God is listening while you’re in the process of entering full communion.

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Thank you very much my friend. I shall pray to God and keep you in my prayers too. 🙏
Prayer with true heart and directed to the True God will always be of use to you, and for others. God hears all who come to him! I’ll keep you in my prayers!
Yes. It will be of use for yourself and others.

I think praying the rosary in your situation is something that God will really appreciate much more than my daily rosary.

I appreciate you doing it. 😀
For example, I am a Buddhist in the process of converting to catholic. If I pray the Rosary, will it be of any use at all for myself and others?
I’m trying to imagine God checking your baptism record through his CRM system linked with caller id, and he doesn’t pick up the receiver unless you are in the database. Non-baptized go to voicemail

Nope, couldn’t quite imagine it.

I think prayer is a hotline and he’s always listening.
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Before AND during the conversion process, I started praying the rosary. It was very helpful.
For example, I am a Buddhist in the process of converting to catholic. If I pray the Rosary, will it be of any use at all for myself and others?
I’m trying to imagine God checking your baptism record through his CRM system linked with caller id, and he doesn’t pick up the receiver unless you are in the database. Non-baptized go to voicemail

Nope, couldn’t quite imagine it.

I think prayer is a hotline and he’s always listening.
This made me chuckle. In a nice way because the analogy was perfect.

I agree. There are reasons we say there are no atheists in foxholes. 🙂

OP, pray with abandon. God is always listening. I’m a convert, and as I started learning the rosary and getting more and more comfortable with it, when I’d stumble, I’d think - at least God knows I’m making the effort. Even Jesus had to learn how to walk as a child. 🙂
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Yes my friend in Christ. I am still in my RCIA. Although I could ask my priest concerning this, I would like to ask in this forum too because my heart would like to converse and slowly build a warm friendship with all of you here. Have a blessed day. 🙏
I think prayer is a hotline and he’s always listening.

I visualize there is a HUGE “stadium” with God the Father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit AND Mary and the other saints listening … and supplicants asking for special treatment for us Earthlings.
For example, I am a Buddhist in the process of converting to catholic. If I pray the Rosary, will it be of any use at all for myself and others?
Absolutely! No prayer is wasted.
God the giver of all GOOD things enjoins US to “pray always” {Luke 18:1}.

Prayers of petition are prayers of the heart, rooted in love. God never overlooks them.
PRAY very much, and keep asking questions,

May God continue to guide your path.
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