Not a big Moral question, but

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Today my mom found a very small purse with a very pretty rosary in it. I told her that we should hand it over to someone in the church. I said it might have sentimental value and the person might come back looking for it. But she didn’t want to and she brought it home. I think she should still give it back. What’s the right thing to?

My mom has a certain child-like spirit, it’s not that she’s doing this to be mean. In fact she thinks God wanted it this way because I asked her to move with me to another pew. When she sat down, she suddenly saw the little purse and we opened it to see if there was any I.D. She istantly liked the rosary, it has many medals (like the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, a Fatima medal, a Mary at Medjuroje medal, and more.)

I’m probably going to call the Church tommorrow and see if anyone asked for a rosary, but my mom really wants to keep it. She doesn’t know how to pray the rosary and says she’ll learn now :o .
You know what’s right. You should at least see if someone is looking for the rosary. If no one replies then keep it.

If someone does claim the rosary and your mom is a little down. I’ll offer to make a replacement rosary…with medals and everything.
Thanks Crusader4life, she is slowly agreeing to checking if anyone wants it. But she really took a liking to it, it’s kinda funny.
She should absolutely report it to the church. I don’t care if she has “a certain child-like spirit”, she has something that belongs to someone else, and to keep it is stealing. This isn’t finders-keepers on the playground.

If I left my Rosary at church, I would be devastated to find it gone, and would call the church immediately to see if someone had turned it in.

She should not keep this, and if she won’t take the right action, you need to. You know this is wrong - don’t be a party to it by letting it go. Just make a call to the church, describe it in detail, and bring it in. Think of it this way - if it truly were a child who took the Rosary, would you have them keep it, knowing that it is wrong? What kind of example would that be. The same goes here. If she is too immature or incompetant to see the wrong in this, you must lead her to the right way.

Matthew 18:6:
But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Go buy your mom a rosary just like it or one that is even better. The rosary she found is not hers, and if she likes it so much just think about the person who lost it. They probably like it just as much.
…and yet…

after you’ve handed it over to the church, and they’ve posted it in the bulletin for several weeks -

if no one claims it,
then perhaps it really was meant to fall into your mothers’ hands as a means to bring her to Mary to pray the rosary…

nothing would surprise me there…
angels work in so many ways…

but certainly not through deception…
so to keep it outright without making any serious effort at all to return it to the original owner, I would not expect many blessings to come from praying with it.

just my :twocents:
It is a big moral question. To take something that does not belong to you (stealing), even if you found it, it is not yours to keep. It should have not even been taken home. It should have been given to the Church office so they can mention it in the newsletter. You should by your mom a rosay of her own. Can you imagine when your mom looks at the rosary she know that it belongs to someone and like you said, it may have some sentiment to it. Return it and wait an see.
I called the church today and they said that no one has been looking for a rosary. They said that they have a lost and found area and we could bring it there. Now my mom says she feels bad…I don’t think I’ll ever understand her. My penance for confession was to pray the rosary and I took the opportunity to show my mom how to pray the rosary. She always wanted to learn and now hopefully she will learn it well.
Then bring it to the lost and found. The person who lost it may be checking it, hoping a kind soul found it and put it there.

You could also tape a sign up by the lost and found that says, “Rosary found. Call (your phone number written here) to claim.” Make the text large enough that it will catch people’s eyes. If the owner doesn’t see it perhaps a friend of their’s, who know of their loss, will and will tell them, “So-and-so, there’s a notice up about a lost Rosary. Maybe it’s yours that you lost the other week.” Hopefuly then they will call and claim it.
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