I know this rule varies depending on the religious order and diocese. But I know of some dioceses and communities that require the candidate to pay their way through seminary (at least part of it) and others will cover the cost completely. Have their ever been cases where the candidates have not been accepted to or ask to leave a seminary because of their inability to cover the cost? Or a better question would be, has anyone on here ever heard of an incident in where that happened? Because some men truly do have a calling to the priesthood and truly desire to pursue it. However, not all men are wealthy and certainly not all are “middle class” so-to-speak. There are men that come from families that make next to no money at all but I believe that among those families, God calls some of them to be priests. The same is true in families that are wealthy and middle class. Even the FSSP seminaries which require the candidate to pay his way through formation state on their website that they will not ask their candidates to leave just because they cannot cover the full cost although they ask them to pay as much s possible. I personally believe that money should not be a barrier for someone discerning a vocation and it may not be but I was just wondering if anyone has ever heard of an instance of it happening.