Not correcting the falsehood you told someone a sin?

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Is a catholic obliged to tell the person they lied too the actual truth? Is it a sin if they don’t
It’s not necessary for the purposes of confession.

As to whether you should or not, I guess it depends on how important the correct information is. If you lied to someone and they’re going to suffer some harm in reliance on your lie, then I think you have a moral obligation to set them straight.
Would this be important, I recently went to confession and my parent explained if the sin was out of habit it wouldnt be classified as a mortal sin and I didn’t reply because I wasn’t even sure if I committed the sin out of habit but I didn’t reply still, so he thought it was out of habit should
And when I wasn’t replying I didn’t know if I was lying
This sounds like scrupulosity. You should discuss this stuff with your priest next time you go to to confession.
And when I wasn’t replying I didn’t know if I was lying
It is not very clear what you are saying, but merely being wrong is not lying. And being silent is not lying. As St. Thomas Aquinas says (SUMMA THEOLOGIAE: The vices opposed to truth, and first of lying (Secunda Secundae Partis, Q. 110)): “the essential notion of a lie is taken from formal falsehood, from the fact namely, that a person intends to say what is false”.

And, as RolandThompsonGunner pointed out, such a question might be a symptom of scrupulosity (that is, having conscience with “low specificity” - finding many “false positives”, “sins” that are not really sins).
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