Not eating today (Sunday)

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I entered the state of mortal sin last night.
I am very depressed.
I don’t feel like eating.
But not eating doesn’t sound like making Sunday holy.

Another question:
When we turn away from our sins,
What do we turn to?
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We turn to God.

Do not beat up on yourself. Who has not sinned? Make an Act of Perfect Contrition (see below) and get to confession as soon as you can (which, in these COVID-19 days, might be awhile, but do try). You have probably not done anything the priest has not heard a thousand times. In the meantime, get something to eat, get out in the weather if you can, be good to yourself.

Say this prayer and try to mean the part that I’ve bolded:

O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.
What does it mean that God is offended?
The word evokes a kind of instability that I’m certain God doesn’t have.
I know the word is the correct word, I just need to understand it.
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Mortal sin separates us from God. God does not like the separation between us and him because he loves us.

Nothing offends the lover more than being separated from the beloved.
What does it mean that God is offended?
The word evokes a kind of instability that I’m certain God doesn’t have.
I know the word is the correct word, I just need to understand it.
We have no way to fathom the “emotions”, if they can be called that, that Almighty God “has”. You make a good point, and it is entirely possible that “offended”, as we understand it, is not the best word.

Do yourself a favor and call a priest tomorrow morning, discuss your concerns with him, and see if he can get you into confession. Unfortunately, he cannot hear your confession over the phone, but he may able to see you sometime in the next few days. In the meantime, be sure that God’s Love for you far outweighs any “offense” that may have taken place.
Happy to be part of the community.

Fasting has been my opportunity to not offend God, if you will.

Otherwise, I wisely and today eat, keeping in mind among my values, others who can not, whether due to financial or other issues that hither/etc their ability to care for the body, with proper nutrition and diet. Speaking for myself -----I respect anyone who choose to not eat this or any day of the week including Sunday.

Kind safe regards to all.
Happy to be part of the community.

Fasting has been my opportunity to not offend God, if you will.

Otherwise, I wisely and today eat, keeping in mind among my values, others who can not, whether due to financial or other issues that hither/etc their ability to care for the body, with proper nutrition and diet. Speaking for myself -----I respect anyone who choose to not eat this or any day of the week including Sunday.

Kind safe regards to all.
Is fasting really appropriate for a Sunday?

I’m not suggesting that it is sinful to fast on Sundays, but it seems out of character with the day.
Further, whatever the meal is a value relative to the time spent together, I submit in preparation and enjoying the meal on Sunday or whatever day recognizing THAT some do not eat together or at all in their households, etc ---- hopefully that is changing for some during Covid-19. Communicating away from devices/TV/etc.
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