Aw, honey.
First up, I’m sorry for what sounds like your loneliness and lack of Catholic companionship (and lack of Catholic support within your own home). I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling low-energy, discouraged, and overwhelmed. And I’m so sorry to hear about your loss of your mother and father.
Second up, God is pleased with every little thing you do for Him and offer up to Him, including going to Mass, weekly adoration, and every single time you try to be kind and serve someone you come into contact with. Not one ‘little’ thing you do for God, is truly little. God will glorify every bit into something beautiful and grand – perhaps
especially because you are persevering in loving Him (and loving others) when you are feeling so lost and gloomy yourself.
(A) Pray. You say you usually don’t remember to pray or turn to God during the day; please, for your sake, try to find a way to change that. Commit to even five minutes in the morning, or five minutes at night, when you focus all your thoughts on God, and tell Him what’s going on for you, tell Him how you love Him, tell Him what you’re thankful for that day and what you struggled with, and ask Him for His help. Then sit in silence and let Him just be with you. Give Him that time, to be used however He chooses. Make the space for Him to enter into your life, then let Him love you.
(B) St. Thomas Aquinas suggests five remedies for sorrow:
- Weep (let yourself ‘exhale your sorrow’)
- Share your sorrow with friends (sorrow shared is sorrow halved)
- Contemplate the truth (especially, perhaps, sacred scripture. Maybe try Lectio Divina on the daily/Sunday gospel reading?)
- Pleasure (in proper moderation; seek good entertainment! perhaps a TV show that makes you laugh, a small glass of sherry and a piece of chocolate; play a card game or board game with your husband)
- Warm baths and naps (we are not just a soul, but a body! And the body needs a certain amount of care, also in moderation of course.)
(C ) Attend the sacrament of Reconciliation regularly; I’m not sure what your situation is, but I know that I frequently feel discouraged, overwhelmed, and tired when I’m really needing to get to Reconciliation, and God heals many things for me there. And while you’re in the Confessional: tell your priest how you’re struggling, and ask him for any ideas.
May God bless you, sister. And remember: Pray! God loves to give us good gifts, and we are invited to ask for them. Then also take actions.