Not Getting to Confession

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During this time of Corona Virus (C.O.V.I.D.-19). What happens to a person who has a mortal sin on his / hers’ soul, & there is “NO” Confession to get absolved at , because the churches are all closed ? Does this person go straight into HELL If They die before they get to do a Conffession? Just a Thought !!!
The Chops
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There is still the option to make an act of perfect contrition, plus, if time allows, contacting the priest for emergency cases.
Call your parish to make an appointment and ask what schedule they have.

In our Diocese, all confessions will be held behind the screen. Offered daily.

At the Catholic High School, priests are available on the parking lot at set times.

Your Diocese likely has similar things in place.

Priests are out among their sheep, they are not walled up in the Rectory.
Find/schedule a confession, don’t commit mortal sin. These two things are not really all that hard.
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In a spirit of genuine repentance pray an act of perfect contrition, Mike.
I also suggest praying a prayer of penance/atonement afterwards, i.e. Hail Mary, Our Father,…

God bless
Does this person go straight into HELL If They die before they get to do a Conffession?
The Church’s sacraments are an assurance for us provided by God. God though is not bound by his sacraments and is perfectly able to operate outside of them.
In this trying time when there are potentially no sacraments available to the faithful then in a spirit of repentance and atonement pray a Perfect Act of Contrition followed by prayers of penance.
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It’s always easy to sin. However God is not a person who asks the impossible and refuses to aid us in following His commands and Will.
Then you should make an act of perfect contrition with the intention of going to confession at the first opportunity. That should cover you. God knows what is going on. He knows who doesn’t go to confession when there is an opportunity and who doesn’t.
I Like What you just said… Thank You.

What Is ** Perfect Contrition ?** I know the {Act of Contrition}, very well. I say it dozens of times a day during my prayer times.

I’m a Byzantine Catholic…

Mike Lashinsky
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