Not gnostic, just

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Staff member
I was recently accused on another forum of being “gnostic”, meaning that I had a view on a certain issue (I won’t get into what it was) that was different than the view held by many others, Let’s just say that my moral reasoning is not confined to “it’s either a sin, so I can’t do it, or it’s not a sin, so I can do it”. My own method of moral reasoning, while strictly in conformity to the magisterium and to traditional Catholic moral theology (Jone, McHugh and Callan, Ott, et al), is not confined to those parameters, and I also think in terms of free agency, “oughtness”, “good, better, and best”, and I find some inspiration in the Muslim concept of makruh — “disliked” (not a sin, but not the best either) — as well as Kant’s categorical imperative (“always act in such a way that you would see it become a universal moral law”). Much more to say, but that should suffice.

Anyway, I thought the situation deserved a good little home-brewed meme, so here it is. I would hasten to add that if I were going to find an anime version of me, with hair on the head and without it on the face, it was going to have to be something with a bent halo, either that, or no halo at all.


(But… but… HSD, you’re making life harder than it has to be, with all that “extra”, why don’t you loosen up and do whatever you want to do, as long as it’s not a sin? Not scrupulosity, just personal choice, personal preference, free will, and free agency. Two different things. I don’t have the urge to do everything under the sun, just because it’s not on a list of mortal and venial sins.)

ETA — I got two separate posts “censored” on CAF because they contained pictures of dogs. I hope the same silly rule doesn’t apply here. I am fighting very hard not to make a groaner of a pun about being DOGmatic… 🐶
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I would like to understand how the others thought you are gnostic, but you are holding back so much that I can’t tell how or why. Anyway, if it has to do with the morality of an act (“Is it a sin?”), the Catechism is helpful:
1750 The morality of human acts depends on:
  • the object chosen;
  • the end in view or the intention;
  • the circumstances of the action.
So it is well and good that your reasoning is not confined to “it’s either a sin, so I can’t do it, or it’s not a sin, so I can do it.” As an example, St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 8 wrote that eating meat sacrificed to idols may or may not be a sin depending on the circumstances.
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I really did not want to drag this into it, but it was a matter of my having a strong preference against communion in the hand, and a strong preference to receive on the tongue, in the traditional manner. Strong personal preference, a desire to purify one’s hand after CITH, if forced to receive it that way, in the same way that priests do in the Mass, or even a desire to see the Church return to the traditional practice of COTT across the boards, do not equate to gnosticism.

We laid this issue to rest on that other forum, and I don’t wish to dredge it up again here. I just thought it was a cute meme (even if I do say so myself) poking gentle fun at slinging around such heavy, loaded terms as “gnostic”, just a light-hearted attempt to poke fun at that, as well as at myself (which can be very amusing if you are able to laugh at yourself, as I am). Nothing more.

And I also wanted to get the “last laugh” at my strange experience on CAF with dog pictures being forbidden, for some reason known only to the moderators and whomever might have complained. Isn’t life hard enough, that one might seek a little levity now and then, when the occasion arises? Even Padre Pio can be seen smiling and laughing, and he had the stigmata!
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Thanks for the clarification. I’m not seeing gnostic in that. I would guess whoever said that is confused.
Speaking of dogs and dogmas, a couple of weeks ago, I visited a Dog Chapel up in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. I didn’t know if or when it would be appropriate to share it in a Catholic forum, but you have given me the perfect opportunity. Enjoy!


That chapel is amazing. Now I have a reason to visit Vermont.

May I share your pics on my social media? Many fellow animal lovers would like to see this.
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