Not Going To Church

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Hello all, I have not been to Church in 6 months. The reason is my family has not wanted to go since the Catholic Priests incidents. We are still Catholic though. I pray every night. Is this wrong? I can now drive (I am 18 just got my licence) and may go. Will God not love me for not going?
Now that you can drive. Go.
Go to confession before taking the Eucharist though.

Before you were able to drive, was the church too far to walk to, or ride a bike, or take a bus? Were there no other church members you could have asked to take you with them? What about your confirmation godparent?

The past is the past, however, for now, I would just get to confession asap and enjoy the full blessings of the Mass from now on.

Bless you for not losing faith in the church even though your family has. Pray for them that they may learn to distinguish the Church from the priests who, in their being human, fell so deeply into sin and scandalized the Church.

Peace to you.
Hello all, I have not been to Church in 6 months. The reason is my family has not wanted to go since the Catholic Priests incidents. We are still Catholic though. I pray every night. Is this wrong? I can now drive (I am 18 just got my licence) and may go. Will God not love me for not going?
You spelt “licence” the right way! For that alone you can go straight to Heaven! :bounce:

Serious now. 🤓

God will always love you, even if you never ever set foot inside another church. God is good like that. However, going to church can be a very useful thing because it can encourage, educate and discipline your faith.
Hello all, I have not been to Church in 6 months. The reason is my family has not wanted to go since the Catholic Priests incidents. We are still Catholic though. I pray every night. Is this wrong? I can now drive (I am 18 just got my licence) and may go. Will God not love me for not going?
God loves you always no matter what you do, and if you live too far from church to walk (miles, not a few blocks) and cannot drive, you have no obligation to attend Mass. Now that you can, and you are 18 and an adult you do have an obligation (if you have a car available).

The reason given for not attending Mass is problematic. About 2% of the priests who have served the Church in the last 40 years have had allegations of grave misconduct against them, and your family is judging the other 98% by those few who sinned. That kind of blanket judgement against a whole group of persons is wrong. We hear the same kind of muddled thinking when we judge all those thousands who were stranded in NO by the actions of a few looters and criminals.

For someone to separate themselves from communion with the entire Church of Jesus Christ, and to deny themselves the reception of the sacraments, because of the sinful actions of some members of the Church is gravely wrong, and is denial of the forgiveness and mercy Jesus shows to all of us. It is setting ourselves up to judge others, and condemning all members of the church for the actions of a few. Every member of this Church is a sinner because every human on this planet is a sinner. We cannot set ourselves up over others in this way. Please pray on this.
Darren –

Don’t let inertia keep you away from church. The apostles were sinners; should that have made people avoid Jesus?

And yes, of course, God loves you no matter what. But your loving God is a more difficult thing. Love is an action, a journey, a commitment. Love is going the extra mile (pun intended) for Someone.


: Prodigal :
Please think about this. There are sex offenders in many professions, many different areas of life. The Catholic Church just happens to be a favorite target for the media and many public figures.

Also, keep in mind that the Catholic Church is perfect, the people in it are not. It is not fair to judge all teachers for a few that are sex offenders, and you wouldn’t take your kids out of school because a small percentage of teacher are, so why would it be fair to judge all priests and stop going to church. Many priests are very holy and were deeply hurt by this scandal. Treating them like if it were their fault is very unjust and harmful to our Church.

Third, God loves you and wants you to come back to Him. Go to confession and start going back to Mass.
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