Not going to work because of illness...please help!

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I just can’t wrap my head around this…I hate calling in sick but I have too. I’m crawling on the floor ill pretty much. I went to aork yesterday and my boss sent me home 2 hrs into my shift but she thanked me for coming in anyway. Now I work in an hour and a half and I am so much worse than yesterday.
I don’t want to feel guilty about it!!! I have a student loan that a rarely use because i work so I know I can tap into that if rent is short, but i feel so bad.
I also know that last year, I never called in sick and the stress of work and school piled up, in the form of colds, and I ended up getting pneumonia and plurisy, taking a month off of school and work, leaving me with low grades and no money…all because I never took a day off.
But still I feel guilty…I feel as though they will fire me because I’ve taken a few sick days. I know that if I am fired, I’m covered by my loan and if necessary my fiance will help me out (since we no longer live together).
What would you do? I want to feel better, but I don’t want the guilt.
please help!!
Dear friend

You sound like a very conscientious worker, your employer is lucky to have you! If you are ill and incapable of work, the civil law allows you to have a number (14-28 days here in the UK depending on the employer) of days sickness allowance, by which your salary covers this amount of sickness. After this if you are sick longer than this, your wages drop and the state make up a certain amount of it.

You are not taking days off work without due cause, you are ill, you are neither sinning nor cheating your employer. Go and see you doctor and get him/her to give you a medical certificate to give to your employer to provide him/her with proof of your illness and get some medication and a diagnosis of what is causing you to be ill. Since you have had such a serious illness previously at the first sign of similar symptoms on the chest or cold, you should immediately take medical advice and not delay seeking help from a medic. as you have learnt carrying on when very ill serves nothing but making you more ill!! Since your empoyer sent you home, it seems to me they fully understand how sick you are, I wouldn’t worry about them firing you, this doesn’t seem to be on the cards due to your good record of work and their attitude of thanking you for coming into work when really not well enough to do so.

Say a prayer to Jesus to heal you, rest, take some time to recover from your illness, follow your doctor’s advice to the letter and stop worrying. It sounds to me you have a,lot of committments, take the time to get well again and you will be better able to cope with the workload.

I’ll keep you in my prayers for speedy recovery, take good care now.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I work in an at-will state where a person can be fired for any reason not specifically addressed by federal law. Employers do not usually take permanent steps to short-term problems. It is easier to wait to the employee is healthy or address the issue of excessive sick time (this is not you) than it is to train a new employee.

If an employer is a bad manager, he might make short-sighted decision such as termination, or if an employee has a history of using health as an excuse to skip work, then he could be terminated. Any decent employer that has been at the job for a while knows that people get sick and missing work for being sick is a part of life.
Honestly, if you’re really ill, your employer could lose more money in the long run if you come in and infect others than it would if you stayed home another day and got well.

I don’t know what type of work you do, but if it’s anything like the customer service jobs that I worked as a college student, your boss likely doesn’t want you around the customers (especially if it’s food service). Visibly sick and possibly contagious employees reflect badly on the employer and make customers not want to spend money there.

God bless and I hope you get well soon.
Father Corapi says that God only gives the difficult crosses to his friends. I pray that you will feel better. The Gospel mentioned laying hands on an ill person and praying for them. You should see a doctor and if you have friends that are willing to pray over you, that would not hurt.

May the healing power of Jesus come over you and heal you.
Deacon Tony SFO
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