Not liking college!

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Good day everyone,

I went to my academic adviser today and he is on the 3rd floor of a building. While I was talking to him I was thinking things similar to, “I am going to transfer;” “What am I doing here?” and the like. As I walked out of the office, I saw the offices of different instructors and thought, “I don’t want to do this for the rest of my life.”

I don’t want to be doing a secular job for the rest of my life. I want to do the things of God. For about 4 years now, a call has been gradually growing on me. I know that I don’t mind being single and though married life is great- it is don’t get me wrong- I can’t see myself married. The only struggle with the thought of being single I have is the occasional temptation against it- lust. But hey, I’m sure a lot of people struggle with that.

The only thing I would continue to do in college is study Japanese. I like the Japanese people. It is because I can get along with them more so than my American cultured peers. If it be that I marry, I would want to marry a Japanese woman. I am only stating this. Please don’t mind it so much.

I went to Japan before. I felt strange- naturally- because it is a really different atmosphere, of course. Also, it was because I have family in the U.S. So, having contacted with the bishop, I am very sure that I would like the monastic life. The thing is, I guess I am just ranting because it has been picking at my peace.

I want to be a saint! Yes, I might get the response, “you can be a saint in any state.”
I agree. After all, the holiest human - second to Jesus- that walked on earth was the Virgin Mary. And she was married. “What is holiness?” I ask. But, I want to be devoted totally. I want to love people how they are- with my heart; not emotion. That’s why I don’t want to work a secular job.

I want to be a saint! I want people to feel the sweet tenderness of God to people; through Mary. I want our heavenly mother’s sweet tenderness to shine forth from my face. Not for my own sake, but because I want people to feel her tenderness, too. I see so many people sad and stressed because they don’t know God. Though this may sound pessimistic, I am tired of seeing the lukewarmness of Catholics. But what can I say, I am too prideful sometimes. I, too, am human. The only person I need to fix is mine own self. It’s my dream to be a saint.
I love this post.

I want you to be a saint too. 🙂

We all have issues with pride - the good thing is, you know you have that issue. So work on being more humble.

Maybe you’re being called to study Japanese. Maybe you’re being called to the Monastery. Have you thought about researching Monastic life? Maybe Monastic life in Japan?

God’s blessings to you. 🙂
There should be a vocations director in your diocese. Look up the name of your diocese online, include the word Catholic so you don’t get an Episcopal one if they overlap (this happened to me once), and look on the diocese site for the vocations director, who should be able to help you.

You have a beautiful enthusiasm! And remember, it is God Who makes us perfect, as much as we let Him, and it takes all our lives, so don’t worry about not being perfect yet 🙂
I want to be a saint! I want people to feel the sweet tenderness of God to people; through Mary. I want our heavenly mother’s sweet tenderness to shine forth from my face. Not for my own sake, but because I want people to feel her tenderness, too. I see so many people sad and stressed because they don’t know God. Though this may sound pessimistic, I am tired of seeing the lukewarmness of Catholics. But what can I say, I am too prideful sometimes. I, too, am human. The only person I need to fix is mine own self. It’s my dream to be a saint.
Ave Maria!

Every paragraph you wrote is familiar to me and many other brothers, indicating a very strong calling to the priesthood or religious life. I highly advise you get a spiritual director and pursue this calling to the best of your ability, surrendering all to God, placing your vocation in the hands of the One who will care for your vocation in the most perfect way, our Blessed Mother. Whether She leads you to religious life or married life, She will fulfill your request to become a saint. Consecrate yourself to Her.

Speaking of Japan, St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, our patron, set up a second City of the Immaculate near Nagasaki, named Mugenzai no Sono (“Garden of the Immaculate”). He taught philosophy at the diocesan seminary, acquired a printing press, and successfully circulated “Seibo no Kishi” (the Japanese “Knight”?). But probably his most important contribution to Japan would be increasing devotion to Our Lady there, living a total and unlimited consecration to Her, of which we (Francsicans of the Immaculate) have the fourth vow - the Marian Vow. Ave Maria!

Mary, Mother of Vocations, pray for us!

In the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,

fra John Paul
College is difficult and it is admirable to want to serve God. As you begin to discern what are the next steps. It is also important to be smart with your present situation. I don’t know where you are in terms of your program or courses but it is important to finish the semester or drop your courses so that your GPA will not be affected. By doing this at least you will keep your marks steady because depending on what you decide to do, having good marks will be important to your future.

As for wanting to be a saint- we are all called to be and live a saintly life. Few will ever become recognized or known for their lives but I have learned that it isn’t about the large public figures who we call saints but the average caring people who God places in our lives to help us and others along the journey of life.Those are the people who matter and who are known in small circles as local saints.

I don’t know what you were studying but I also want you to keep in mind that there are countless positions that might be considered secular in your eyes but they are very much helping fields such as teachers, doctors, nurses, (medical field in general) lawyers, scientists just to name a few.

Many people have suggested the religious or priestly life. I don’t know what you are studying or if that is a potential direction for your life only time will tell. That said, it is also important for you to remember that saints were average people who followed the will for their lives.

School is difficult but it also takes a lot of guts and courage to realize when one is studying the wrong program. Also every now and then in our four year or towards the end of the program, it is normal for people to get tired of studying, tired of taking exams, writing papers etc that they have lost the energy or the love for their program. Sometimes you need to also pray to God and ask him for the energy to complete it. Depending on where one is in the program, sometimes it is good to finish it before you continue a new journey. I know many priests who studied and worked in one field before they entered seminary. For an instance, the bishop received his degree in buisness and worked in that field before he entered seminary.

Education never goes to waste. As you discern the future, it is important to ask yourself am I leaving my program because I am fed up and tired or is God calling me to better things.

I have completed a Bachelor, a Certificate and I’m in my final year of a master’s program therefore if you need to talk further, message me. I am here. I understand the struggles that students face.

Best wishes,

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