I was at church with someone, and it was just the two of us sitting together at the end closest to the aisle. A lady I work with, and am friends with, walked past us, keeping her eyes straight ahead, and going right to her seat. She knows both me and this other lady I was with. I didn’t see anything wrong with the lady I’m friends with walking past and going right to her seat. In fact, I hadn’t thought anything of it at all, until a whole day later, the other lady I was with told me she thought that was a little “strange” and that she should have stopped to say hi to us, since she knows us and sees us just about every week in church. Then she said that this other lady was maybe “unfriendly” for not having stopped on her way to her seat, and that she would have seen us because she went right past us. So what do you think? Should people who know eachother stop to say hi on their way to their seat? I really don’t think so. In my own personal opinion, it doesn’t at all mean that this lady was being “strange” or “unfriendly.” It’s just nagging at me and really bothers me.
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