She is employing the same tactics she accuses Spenser of. But that is beside the point. God was very clear about what he was doing in the Old Testament. He was working his will and revealing himself through Abraham, Isacc, Jacob, and Joseph, and the Prophets. He was teaching his people who he was by the events that unfolded. He never destroyed any people without ample warning. And this will carry on to the Second Coming. All who ever lived will have been given ample warning to amend their lives. Those who didn’t and those who won’t have demonstrated that they hate God and these would not want to go to heaven even if given the chance. And God will give them what they want. And God’s justice demands that those who were unjust on earth be punished, What’s wrong with that? Nothing. Your friend was just trying to give you a guilt complex.
And remember God punished his chosen people as well. Once you have read the Bible ( the Old and the New Testaments and read the Catechism of the Catholic Church you will see how faulty her argument is.). I’m not going to say much about Islam because that always gets me into trouble. Except to say that Spencer is an excellent authority. So are Bat Ye’or and Joan Peters.
It won’t do you any good to argue with your friend. Just do what your conscience tells you to do, live a good life and look forward confidently to the Second Coming. It is not your job to argue with all the doubters, your job is to be another Christ.
God Bless