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I am just coming into the Catholic faith, my background is LDS. Coming from that framework, their are so many differences in belief, practices, faith, just about everything is changing in me, spiritually.

Some days I am really excited, and I feel enlightened and blessed to have been shown this path. Other times, like the past few days and today, I am somewhat sad and unsure.

At the very beginning, several months ago, I felt like a whole different world with different history was opened up for me. Thats still true, actually. But over the same period of months, things have come up that I dont understand, and I have trouble comprehending some of these things.

I wonder if I have believed my whole life, in a God who is not really supernatural, but really a person just like me, in the sky somewhere. I’m having trouble putting this into words.

When I read about people like St Francis, Bernadete, and the supernatural occurances that have happened to them, I pause and wonder: “do I believe that at all”? The stigmata in particular is something I just cant comprehend! There are so many things running though my mind that I dont know where to begin writing about them, so I just decided to start typing and hope something would come out to at least start a conversation.

Can any of you share some of the things you were so “wow’d” about, or things that cause you to shake your head? Things that might even seem to create a wedge or might even hinder your progress in learning about Christ and the Church?

Any comments you might have, I would love to hear.

Peace be with you.

I am just coming into the Catholic faith, my background is LDS. Coming from that framework, their are so many differences in belief, practices, faith, just about everything is changing in me, spiritually.

Some days I am really excited, and I feel enlightened and blessed to have been shown this path. Other times, like the past few days and today, I am somewhat sad and unsure.

At the very beginning, several months ago, I felt like a whole different world with different history was opened up for me. Thats still true, actually. But over the same period of months, things have come up that I dont understand, and I have trouble comprehending some of these things.

I wonder if I have believed my whole life, in a God who is not really supernatural, but really a person just like me, in the sky somewhere. I’m having trouble putting this into words.

When I read about people like St Francis, Bernadete, and the supernatural occurances that have happened to them, I pause and wonder: “do I believe that at all”? The stigmata in particular is something I just cant comprehend! There are so many things running though my mind that I dont know where to begin writing about them, so I just decided to start typing and hope something would come out to at least start a conversation.

Can any of you share some of the things you were so “wow’d” about, or things that cause you to shake your head? Things that might even seem to create a wedge or might even hinder your progress in learning about Christ and the Church?

Any comments you might have, I would love to hear.

Peace be with you.

Welcome to the faith. Please know that we are all striving for a better understanding of the faith the we believe in, so your questions should neither make you feel sad nor ungrateful.

I think the best place to start to answer a lot of your questions is in the Catechism. From there, you can work like every other Catholic in praying and asking for a better understanding of the faith.

As for your question, many things about being Catholic make me say “wow.” I just pray for a better understanding of them and am proud to have receive the gift of the understanding that I do have.

Hope this helps.
…When I read about people like St Francis, Bernadete, and the supernatural occurances that have happened to them, I pause and wonder: “do I believe that at all”? The stigmata in particular is something I just cant comprehend! There are so many things running though my mind that I dont know where to begin writing about them, so I just decided to start typing and hope something would come out to at least start a conversation.

Can any of you share some of the things you were so “wow’d” about, or things that cause you to shake your head? Things that might even seem to create a wedge or might even hinder your progress in learning about Christ and the Church?

Any comments you might have, I would love to hear.
I absolutely love the stories of the saints. However, we are not required to believe the private revelations of saints in order to be Catholic. (Well, except those saints whose miracles are in the Bible–we should accept the Bible stories I think.) So if there are any miracles or saint stories that currently hinder your progress, they shouldn’t have to.

One of the type of miracles that fascinates me is when a saint’s body is found “incorrupt”, (meaning it didn’t decay as would be expected after their earthly life has passed.) I know a couple who viewed the body of St. Therese and said it looked like she was simply sleeping, and she died a hundred years ago. I know this miracle may seem a little on the morbid side, but for me it reinforces our belief in Jesus’ victory over death. And knowing some reputable people who told me they viewed this miracle helps too.

When I was growing up I remember hearing about the stigmata and thought immediately that I’d never want that because it would embarrass me if other knew. It didn’t doubt then that God could do it, but instead I responded to it by thinking I’d be embarrassed if people knew I was holy. Yes, I’m sometimes ashamed when my faith makes me look different from everyone else.

While we aren’t required to believe these stories, I think our reaction to them as you point out may reveal information about ourselves. Like you wrote wonder about the supernatural ways of God, and I respond with embarrassment at the mere idea of looking different.
Welcome TS.
I once used to identify with your uncertainty over whether I was making the right decision or not. If what I am doing is genuine or something I have made up in my mind. Let me assure you that it is not. The very fact that you have to go through that is because it shows you that because you are more open to the Holy Spirit who is moving you toward Truth, the devil is fighting to take you back in the other direction. Do not fill yourself with doubts; ask for peace and you will get it. You may have to combat some awful thoughts along the way but you will get that peace when God wills.

In my journey I was particularly wowed by the Eucharist.
I never knew what the Eucharist and Mass was all about years back. Later someone close told me point blank what Catholics were adoring. That was my first WOW. As I started spending time with the Eucharist who is Christ truly Present, I became aware of Christ’s presence in my life. But more than that, Christ had transformed every part of my life. I am more closer to God than I have ever been. And it is not short-term; I am improving my relationship with him day by day. I have found inner healing for more than three years since I found the Church. I found peace in things no one else can give me but God.

In terms of the Eucharist what particularly wows me is Christ’s humility. To be so HUMBLE as to be present in something as humble as bread. In doing so he has also made himself vulnerable and susceptible to danger.
Our KING of kings, and LORD of lords of whom, if he was an earthly king, we would expect to be adorned with Jewels, and riches; and yet, this King makes Himself vulnerable to anyone, anything, and everything. How much more vulnerable can you be in something that is meant to be eaten? What’s more, he places himself in complete trust hoping that we will receive Him worthily in Eucharist. He is vulnerable precisely because he gives us this choice, to receive worthily or not.
He is vulnerable because he does not lead the way and we are the ones who do. I could go on forever about the Eucharist because it is the source of the new Life I have in Christ; something which I have never experienced before.

In terms of Mary, she never ceases to amaze me. I had so many doubts about her at first because of certain individual biases against her. When I realized her humilty, I changed. Though we may dishonor her and say rude things about her, she still prays for us. She does not force herself on anyone but is ready to open up her motherly arms to us. At a turning point in my life, which was also the worst point in my life, I asked Mother Mary to pray for me (Selfish, I know! To think I could have asked her when I was not in such dilemnas). I set aside my doubts and I asked her to intercede. She stormed heaven and earth for my intentions and the MOST impossible situation I was facing had become POSSIBLE for me in my life. I cannot tell you how AMAZING it is. To be prayed over by such a holy person and be answered by the Most High God, Jesus Christ through His mother.

There are many wows with our beloved Mother Church. Our whole life is filled with wows when we are open to realizing our lives beyond human constructs.
Keep going TS. Let God take your hand one day at a time; It is not a dream because you are living a reality.

Thank you all for responding to my post. I cant tell you what a blessing your words were to me.

Its late and I just spent the last few cognizant moments of the day responding to a thread that I probably should have left alone. I’m so tired now that I cant say what I want to say to you, except thank you so much!

Peace be with you…
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