When me and memebers from my Parish’s youth group went to attend a young catholic group event thing at St Annes Cathedral, leeds [UK] run by the dicoseses youth team one of the things they did was on the holy spirit and they gathered us all together and well i went to the back as i didn’t really know what was gonna happen but as they started the prayer for the holy spirit to descend on us i watched as they said if you wanted to feel the spirit to raise your hand and a few raised there hands and a priest or monk went to them after a few minutes of constant aruging in my head if i should do it or not i raised my hand and a monk came over asked my name etc then started to basically what i assumed speak chibberish, during this i had my eyes closed like he asked, after a few seconds a white light appeared before my eyes and soon the monk was saying to let the holy spirit flow through you and to relax, well basically i panicked and started to well tense up unsure of what was happening after a what was about 4 mins of me fighting back the white light faded and i opened my eyes to find myself on the floor. what had happened was i had been basically on a very steep angle but still stood on my feet but just before i opened my eyes i had hit the floor most of the others jsut slowly fell but i actually fell i couldn’t think why but maybe it was because i panicked i’m not sure what do you guys think?