Just as some background info, about two years ago I experienced a conversion and after being brought up as a lukewarm Catholic, I decided last year to come back to the Church and receive the rest of the Sacraments of Initiation. I joined RCIA at the parish closest to my home, which I now regret since I should’ve done a little more research and visited the others in my area before committing to this one (but that’s story of its own). Anyway, the parish that I’m attending put me in RCIA since that’s the only program they have for catechesis. After doing some reading on these forums and a few other websites, I found that I would be able to at least receive my first Communion before the Confirmation mass. I talked to the RCIA director about it earlier this week and received a call from her husband (one of the deacons) today telling me I had to wait. He was saying that at this parish they have first Communion at the Easter Vigil mass (and that I’d be Confirmed on May 16, which I don’t mind waiting for) and I need to go through that process with all of the candidates. My question is, would it be wrong to talk to a priest at a different parish and see if I’d be able to receive there, or at least get his opinion on the situation? Or should I just talk to the pastor or parochial vicar at the one I’m attending, even though I have a feeling that they’d have the same answer as our deacon did? I’m at a loss of what to do since I offered to even sit down with our pastor and talk it over to show that I feel absolutely prepared and have more than the knowledge that any 7 year old receiving their first Communion would have. I just feel so disheartened since from what I’ve been reading I should be able to, being that I was baptized Catholic. Any and all opinions are welcome, I could just really use some advice about what I should do. Thank you in advance and God bless.